Public Notices (Published September 29, 2022)


Gratiot County Courthouse Connector Building
Rooftop Replacement Unit

Sealed Bids from Prime contractors only for the construction of the above referenced project will be received until Monday March 1, 2021 at 11:00AM at the office of Kalin Lombard, Gratiot County Courthouse 214 E. Center St. Ithaca, MI 48847. Bid documents can be found at

Bethany Township
Minutes for Regular Meeting on September 13, 2022
Present: Mike, Fowler, Howd, Devine, Humm
Others: Richard Teeter; Jan Bunting, Ken Dennison
Meeting was called to order by Mikek at 7:00 p.m.
Minutes for July 12th read and approved
Bills were reviewed and approved for payment
Bunting mentioned that they are working on county budget
Dennison was here to ask about Solar
Mikek has request quote for painting of hall
Mikek looking into replacing bathroom stalls.
Mikek noted that Teeter did update our lighting I the office, board approved for him to replace lighting in hallway as well.
Fowler updated that 2nd installment of ARPA has not yet been received and audit should be finalized by end of the month.
Devine noted that the Waste Authority special meeting will be Sept 27th
Teeter issued 2 permits
Howd reminded board of all county meeting and that AV ballots for November election should be going out at the end of the month.
Meeting adjourned at 7:33 p.m.
Submitted by Tracy Howd, Clerk

First Responder

Alma District Rescue requires skills in performing emergency medical care to patients with the primary concem being personal safety for all parties involved. Care rendered meets First Responder Roles and Responsibilities requirements as outlined by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, Bureau of EMS, and Trauma Division. The position involves extensive training accessing patients; determining the patient’s emergency; and providing appropriate emergency care per emergency medical system (EMS) protocols. Requirements: Possess a valid Michigan Motor Vehicle Operator’s License, maintain Medical First Responder Level (or Higher) Michigan certification (includes a current CPR card), must attend 50% ofassigned Alma District Rescue meetings/classes, must have finished or started Hepatitis “B” series and tetanus vaccinations. Verification of vaccinations must be fumished to the department. Must be up to-date with Blood-borne and Air-Borne pathogen training requirements. Shall have a HEPA mask which has been fit tested by a qualified tester. Attend annual refresher training which is 15 hours of approved EMS training every three years. Salary is $30.00 per run. Interested applicants should submit a Cover Letter, City of Alma Employment Application, and Resume to: Cheri Rayner, Human Resouces Manager, 525 East Superior Street, Alma, MI 48801, The complete job description and City of Alma application can be found on the City’s Website: http://myalma.orgemployment.php.


The City of Alma is currently seeking a Firefighter. Under the direct supervision of the Fire Chief, participates in fire suppression, prevention, investigation, and general rescue activities to protect the lives and property of the public. Maintains fire equipment, apparatus, and facilities. Requirements: High school degree or the equivalent and a State of Michigan Vehicle Operator’s License. Michigan Firefighters Training Council Certification as a Firefighter I and II preferred. One or more years of training in fire science or a related field with one or more years of experience in fire-fighting preferred. Starting salary is $1,135.59 per year. Application deadline: April 15th. Interested applicants should submit a letter of interest, City of Alma Employment Application, and resume to: Cheri Rayner, Human Resources Manager, 525 East Superior Street Alma, MI 48801,

Public Land Auction

Tax reverted real estate in Gratiot County will be offered at an online-only public auction at All bids must be placed by 5:00pm EST on Oct 28th, 2022. For more information and to view the list of the properties being sold, please visit or call 1-800-259-7470.


The City of Ithaca City Council will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, October 18, 2022 at the Municipal Building located at 129 W. Emerson, Ithaca, MI. The purpose of the hearing is to review an application submitted by Misenhelder Welding for an Industrial Facilities Tax Exemption Certificate as provided by Public Act 198 of 1974 for its facility located at 1203 S County Farm Drive, Ithaca, MI. The hearing will be held at 7:00pm. or as soon as the agenda allows. If unable to attend, written comments may be submitted to the City Clerk by 4:00pm. on Monday, October 17, 2022 at the above address or by email to

Cathy Cameron
City Clerk