Public Notices (Published October 31, 2024)


The following Gratiot County Board of Commissioners public hearing has been
cancelled and will be rescheduled at a later date.

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT a Public Hearing shall be held before the County Board of Commissioners of the County of Gratiot on the 4th day of November 2024, at 4:30 p.m. in the Commissioner’s Room of the Gratiot County Courthouse, 214 E. Center Street, Ithaca, Michigan to consider the approval and recommendation of the 311 E. Superior Street Redevelopment Project Brownfield Plan (the Plan). The Brownfield Redevelopment Authority, exercising its powers pursuant to and in accordance with the provisions of the Brownfield Redevelopment Financing Act, being Act 381 of the Public Acts of the State of Michigan of 1996, as amended, has recommended approval of the Plan.
The description of the proposed brownfield property is as follows:
Eligible Property
Address Tax ID Basis of
Eligibility Legal Description
311 E. Superior Street 51-344-623-00 “Functionally Obsolete” ORIGINAL TOWN LOTS 16, 17, BLOCK 19.

The proposed Plan would allow Gemini Capital Management IX, LLC to be reimbursed for eligible costs incurred to prepare the brownfield property for redevelopment. Eligible costs may include environmental and/or site preparation costs. The Plan must first be approved by the County Board of Commissioners.
This description of the property along with any maps, plats, and a description of the Plan are available for public inspection at Greater Gratiot Development, Inc., 136 S. Main St., Ithaca, Michigan 48847. Please call (989) 875-2083 to request a copy of these materials. The Brownfield Plan can also be found at the below link and QR code. All aspects of the Plan are open for discussion at the public hearing. All interested persons shall have the opportunity to be heard. Written communications with reference to the Plan shall be received and considered and a record of the public hearing including all data presented shall be made and preserved.
The meeting will be held in public and virtually in accordance with the Open Meetings Act, PA 267 of 1976, as amended, as well as in accordance with all applicable laws, including PA 228 of 2020. Public Comment may be given during the public comment portion of the meeting. To make a public comment virtually, please click the raise hand button in the Zoom application, and will be un-muted when it is your turn. You may also provide input or ask questions of the Commission relating to any items of business that will come before them at the meeting at any time by submitting them to the County Clerk’s Office at (989) 875-5297 or by email to or by mailing them to the Gratiot County Clerk’s office. To watch the meeting online visit If you are disabled and need accommodation to provide you with an opportunity to participate, please call the County Clerk at (989) 875-5297.
This notice was given by order of the County Board of Commissioners of the County of Gratiot, Michigan.
Respectfully submitted – Angie Thompson, County Clerk
Link and QR Code to Brownfield Plan for 311 E. Superior Street, Alma:

Request for Proposal

Purpose: The purpose of this project is to replace the flooring at the Gratiot County Animal Shelter building in the front room.
Key Requirements:
Removal and disposal of existing flooring. Contractor to come in and measure areas. Moving furniture will be handled by Gratiot County employees.
Please include the necessary floor preparation, installation of new flooring and trim.
Please contact Tony Miller 989-330-9421 or email: to schedule a time to come and take measurements of all necessary areas.
Location of project:
Gratiot County Animal Shelter 2675 W Washington Rd, Ithaca, MI 48847.
Proposal Submission:
Interested vendors are invited to submit their proposals by November 8, 2024, at 4:00 pm.
All contractors are required to submit proof of license and insurance with their proposal.
Email Proposal to:
Stephanie Howes, Gratiot County Procurement Specialist
Or mail to:
Gratiot County
Attn: Stephanie Howes
214 E Center St.
Ithaca MI 48847

Request for Proposal

Gratiot County is seeking proposals from qualified vendors to replace carpet at the Commission on Aging building.
Purpose: The purpose of this project is to replace the carpet throughout hallways and offices with commercial grade square carpet tiles at the Commission on Aging.
Key Requirements:
Removal and disposal of existing carpeting and cove base. Contractor to come in and measure areas. Moving furniture will be handled by Gratiot County employees.
Please include the necessary floor preparation, installation of carpet and trim.
Please contact Tony Miller 989-330-9421 or email: to schedule a time to come and take measurements of all necessary areas.
Location of project:
Gratiot County Commission on Aging 515 S. Pine River St, Ithaca MI 48847
Proposal Submission:
Interested vendors are invited to submit their proposals by November 8, 2024, at 4:00 pm.
All contractors are required to submit proof of license and insurance with their proposal.
Email Proposal to:
Stephanie Howes, Gratiot County Procurement Specialist
Or mail to:
Gratiot County
Attn: Stephanie Howes
214 E Center St.
Ithaca MI 48847

Treasurer/Finance Director
The City of Ithaca is seeking a Treasurer/Finance Director to replace the current Treasurer/Finance Director who is retiring in March 2025. This is a full-time, exempt position that offers a competitive salary and healthy benefits and retirement package. The city is seeking interested and qualified candidates to fill the position before the end of the calendar year, to allow training with our current Treasurer/Finance Director through March.
The Treasurer/Finance Director is the general accountant of the city and keeps the books of account of all city assets, receipts, and expenditures in accordance with city charter, Federal, State and local law. He/She will direct all activities of the Finance Department including accounting, budgeting, auditing, and treasury operations.
The ideal candidate will possess a Bachelor’s degree with a major in accounting, finance or related field or equivalent work experience, communicate effectively, have knowledge of municipal finance, investing, budgeting, accounting and have high professional standards. Experience with local government operations and use of Microsoft Office and BS&A software a plus.
The City of Ithaca is an equal opportunity employer with a family friendly, collaborative work environment and a supportive and engaged City Council. Send resume, cover letter and three professional references to Jamey Conn, City Manager at 129 W. Emerson St., Ithaca, MI 48847. Candidates must be able to pass a pre-employment physical and background check.
A full description and qualifications of the position can be found on the City of Ithaca website at: