Public Notices (Published October 13, 2022)


City of St. Louis Minute Summary

September 6, 2022 Regular Meeting

Approved Minutes.

Approved Claims & Accounts.

Received Board Minutes.

Approved Consent Agenda.

Approved Temporary Street Closures.

Approved Prof. Svc. Proposal.

Approved to Participate in Energy Program.

Set Public Hearings.

Approved Power Purchase.

Adjourned at 6:44 p.m.

Complete copy minutes are available at City Hall or at

Mari Anne Ryder, City Clerk

City of St. Louis Minute Summary

September 20, 2022 Regular Meeting

Held Public Hearings.

Approved Minutes.

Approved Claims & Accounts.

Received Monthly Reports.

Approved Consent Agenda.

Approved Proposals.

Approved Salt Barn Demo.

Approve Asphalt Repairs.

Adjourned at 7:30 p.m.

Complete copy minutes are available at City Hall or at

Mari Anne Ryder, City Clerk


Notice is hereby given that the Gratiot County Board of Commissioners is accepting applications from interested citizens to serve on the following board(s).  Applications are being accepted through October 21, 2022, 4 p.m.  Appointments will be made at an upcoming Board of Commissioners meeting in November.


Current Term Ends

Board/Committee Term Length Contact Name/No. for Information and Meeting Dates & Times
10/31/2022 Department of Human Services 3 Years 875-5181  
12/31/2024 Commission on Aging, District 1 & 4, Partial term 3 Years Jen Cook, 875-5246  

Please contact the Clerk’s Office for an application or on line at and mail/deliver/fax to Angie Thompson, County Clerk, 214 E. Center St., Ithaca, MI 48847 Fax 989-875-5254.

Angie Thompson

Gratiot County Clerk

Advertisement for Bids for St. Louis Public Schools
Project Information

Sealed bid proposals will be accepted from qualified contractors by St. Louis Public Schools for St.
Louis Public Schools for Bid Pack No. 5 – Renovations Projects for the following buildings:

Carrie Knause Elementary

E.M. Nikkari Elementary

T.S. Nurnberger Middle School

St. Louis High School

Westgate Building

Maintenance Building

Proposals may be mailed or delivered in person to:

Jennifer McKittrick, Superintendent

C/o St. Louis Public Schools

113 East Saginaw Street

St. Louis, Michigan 48880

Pre-Bid Meeting

A pre-bid meeting and project walk-through will be on October 17, 2022, at 3:30 PM (local time) at
the T.S. Nurnberger Middle School Cafeteria located at 312 Union Street, St. Louis, Michigan 48880.

Bid Information

Proposals must be received prior to 1:00 PM (local time) on November 1, 2022 at the St. Louis Public
Schools Administration Office located at 113 East Saginaw Street, St. Louis, Michigan 48880.
Proposals will be publicly opened and read aloud at 1:15 PM in the St. Louis Public Schools T.S.
Nurnberger Middle School Cafeteria located at 312 Union Street, St. Louis, Michigan 48880. All bids
received after 1:00 PM on the bid date will not be accepted and will be returned to the Bidder

Proposals and Award

The Owner will award contracts on or about November 21, 2022.

Plans and Questions

Interested Bidders should contact the Project Administrator, Judy Rauch, at Wolgast Corporation at
(989) 790-9120 or via email at

Bid Security

A Bid Security by a qualified surety authorized to do business in the state where the Project is
located and in the amount of five percent (5%) of the Base Bid shall accompany each proposal or
proposal combination.

Familial Disclosure

All bidders must provide familial disclosure in compliance with MCL 380.1267 and attach this
information to the bid. The bid shall be accompanied by a sworn and notarized statement disclosing
any familial relationship that exists between the Owner or the employee of the bidder and any
member of the board, intermediate school board, or board of directors or the superintendent of the
school district, intermediate superintendent of the intermediate school district, or chief executive
officer of the public school academy. The District shall not accept a bid that does not include this
sworn and notarized disclosure statement.

Iran Business Relationship Affidavit

All bidders must provide a signed Iran Business Relationship Affidavit. Effective April 1, 2013 all bids,
proposals, and/or qualifications statements received in the State of Michigan must comply with the
Iran Economic Sanctions Act, 2012 P.A. 517. The District shall not accept a bid that does not include
this signed affidavit.

Owners Rights

The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, accept a bid other than the low bid, and
to waive informalities, irregularities, and/or errors in the bid proposals, which they feel to be in their
own best interest.