Public Notices (Published November 9, 2023)


Notice of Drainage Board Meeting

For Determination of Practicability


(Gratiot and Clinton Counties)

               DATE:     November 20, 2023

                TIME:     10:00 a.m.

      LOCATION:     Rainbow Lakes Maintenance Corporation

                              4553 Rainbow Lake Rd., Perrinton, Michigan

 The Biddinger Intercounty Drain Drainage Board will meet at the above date, time and location to consider the petition, dated October 4, 2023, for maintenance and improvement of an intercounty drain, located in Essex Township and Village of Maple Rapids in Clinton County and Fulton Township in Gratiot County, pursuant to Chapter 8 of Public Act 40 of 1956, as amended, to determine the sufficiency of signatures on said petition, to go over the route of the intercounty drain, and to further determine whether the maintenance and improvement of the intercounty drain is practicable.

Proceedings conducted at this public meeting will be subject to the provisions of the Michigan Open Meetings Act.  Public comment will be received at the meeting from anyone owning lands liable to an assessment, or whose lands will be crossed by the drain, or any municipality affected.  Written comments may be submitted prior to the meeting, or additional information may be obtained from the following offices:

Bernard J. Barnes

Gratiot County Drain Commissioner

904 E. Center St.

Ithaca, Michigan 48847

Phil Hanses

Clinton County Drain Commissioner

100 E. State St.

St. Johns, Michigan 48879


Persons with disabilities needing accommodations for effective participation in the meeting should contact the Drain Commissioner of their County at the number listed above or through the Michigan Relay Center at 7-1-1 (TDD) at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting to request mobility, visual, hearing or other assistance.

Dated:  November 3, 2023

Brady Harrington, Deputy

For Dr. Tim Boring, Director

Michigan Department of Agriculture

and Rural Development