Public Notices (Published May 30, 2022)


Notice to St. Louis Residents

Water Quality Report Available

The 2021 Water Quality Report describing the source and quality of your drinking water is available at. To receive a paper copy in the mail, contact or 681-2137 ext. 1050

Mari Anne Ryder, City Clerk

Public Notice to the City of Ithaca Downtown
Development Authority District and Interested

The City of Ithaca Downtown Development Authority will hold an Informational Meeting on June 13, 2022 at 12:00 p.m. at City Hall.
The purpose of these meetings is to inform, discuss and take comments from the public of the goals and direction of the authority, including projects to be undertaken in the coming year.
If unable to attend, written comments may be submitted to the DDA Coordinator at: or mailed to DDA Coordinator at 129 W. Emerson St., Ithaca, MI 48847
Shelly Moffit
Deputy Clerk
DDA Coordinator