Public Notices (Published March 16, 2023)


The Elba Township board will hold a public hearing on the proposed township budget for fiscal year 2023-2024 March 21st at 6:30 PM. A copy of the
budget is available for public inspection at 109 S. Oak St, Ashley.
This notice is posted in compliance with Public Act 267 of 1976 as amended (Open Meeting Act), MCL 41.72a(2)(3) and the Americans with Disabilities Act.
The Elba Township board will provide necessary reasonable auxiliary aids
and services, such as signers for the hearing impaired and audio tapes of printed materials being considered at the meeting, to individuals with disabilities at
the meeting upon 5 days notice to the Elba Township board. Note: Individuals
with disabilities requiring auxiliary aids or services should contact the Elba
Township Board by writing or calling the following: Madalin Morris, 109 S.
Oak St. P O BOX 209, Ashley, 989-847-2210.
The monthly meeting normally held on the second Tuesday of the month
will be held at 7:00pm.
Just a reminder that all flowers must be removed from the grave sites by
March 15th. Flowers can be placed again starting April 1st. Any questions
please call Madalin Morris 989-847-2210.

Request for Proposals
Weekly Residential Trash Service
Arcada Township is seeking proposals for Weekly Residential
Trash Seervices for our estimated 720 households, located between
Washington Road and Lincoln Road, north and south, and State Road
and Rich Road, east and west, in Gratiot County, Michigan and having a population of 1,671 and governs an area encompassing approximately 32 square miles.
If interested in receiving a cpy of RFP, Please reply to Arcada
Township Clerk by email at or regular mail
Laureen Baxter
Arcada Township Clerk
1798 North Ely Highway
Alma, Michigan 48801

Fulton Schools: Preschool Casework
Project Description:
The project consists of the following:
– Elementary School: Preschool Casework, removal and Install
of new.
Bid Packages: Complete proposals will be received for
the following bid categories:
– Bid Category 01: Construction-Casework
Pre-Bid Meeting
No pre-bid meeting will be held.
Bid Due Date:
Bids are to be delivered to the Fulton Admin Office, 8060 Ely
Highway Middleton, MI 48856, no later than Thursday March 16,
2023 at 1:00 PM. Any bids received after the specified date and
time cannot be accepted and opened at approximately 1:15 PM,
on the same date of receiving bids.
Familial Disclosure
All bids are to include a sworn and notarized statement disclosing
any familial relationship between the bidder and Fulton Schools
in accordance with MCL 380.1267. Bids shall not be accepted that
do not include this statement.
Bid Security
All bids must be submitted with a 5% bid security.
All RFI’s/Clarifications shall be submitted in writing to Jennifer
Upton-, no later than March 13, 2023
4:00 PM
Bid Documents
Bid documents will be available electronically upon request. Will
also be available on the State Procurement Site
All addendums will be issued by March 14, 2022 4:00 PM