Public Notices (Published June 30, 2022)


Board of Appeals
The Emerson Township Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a meeting on Thursday, July 7th, 2022 at 7:00 p.m., at the Township Hall located at 2976 N. Baldwin Rd., Ithaca, MI 48847 relative to a request by Fullerton Engineering Consultants LLC (Parallel) to approve a variance of the height of a communication tower, parcel #04-008-022-00, on the property at 4332 N. Royce Rd., St. Louis, MI 48880.
Written comments relative to the request may be forwarded to Emerson Township, 1103 N. Baldwin Rd., Ithaca, MI 48847 or so long as it is received by the Township by July 6, 2022 at 5: p.m.


1. On June 16, 2022, the Washington Township Board adopted an ordinance regulating the siting and construction of solar energy systems as special uses pursuant to the Washington Township Zoning Ordinance.
2. The ordinance defines solar energy systems, differentiating between large and small, solar energy systems, and also defines alternative energy, photovoltaic device, and unreasonable safety hazard.
3. The ordinance establishes a process for application to, and review by the planning commission, and ultimately the Township Board regarding the siting and construction of solar energy systems
4. The ordinance establishes specific land use standards and provides a regulatory framework for the siting, construction and operation of solar energy systems.
5. The ordinance requires an application escrow deposit be paid to the Township by an applicant for a solar energy system Special Land Use Permit requiring that the applicant replenish said escrow deposit if it is depleted.
6. The ordinance requires compliance with various building and electric safety codes and approval by various authoritative bodies of the components to be used in said solar energy systems, as well as height, lot size, set back and screening/security requirements
7. The ordinance regulates and restricts signage, noise emissions, lighting, glare, location of collection lines interconnections relative to said solar energy systems.
8. The ordinance provides standards for abandonment.
9. The ordinance requires that any conditions and modifications must be approved by the Planning Commission, and sets up Township’s right to inspect the solar energy system.
10. The ordinance sets standards and regulates maintenance and repair of a large solar energy system, and also roads, to the extent they are damaged resulting from construction, maintenance, or operation of a large solar energy system.
11. The ordinance requires continuing security via an escrow account with replenishing obligations on the part of the owner and/or operator of large solar energy systems to ensure compliance with the terms of the ordinance.
12. The ordinance regulates and sets limits on the time allotted for construction of large solar energy systems, and further requires at least quarterly reports to the Township, and also regulates any transfer of ownership or operation, requiring the transferee to comply with all terms of the ordinance.
13. The ordinance sets up separate requirements for small solar energy systems as accessory structures.
14. A true copy of the ordinance is available for review and inspection at the Township Hall.
15. The ordinance will take effect 7 days after its publication, as provided by law.

Dated at Washington Township, Gratiot County, Michigan, on this 16th day of June 2022.

Howard Whaley

Barbara Hoffer
Township Clerk

I, the undersigned, Township Clerk, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing and above summary of Ordinance No.___-2013 of the Township of Washington, Gratiot County, Michigan, was published within 15 days from the ordinance’s adoption in the Gratiot County Herald, circulated in the Township of Washington, Gratiot County, Michigan, on the ___ day of _______, 2022, and that the Affidavit of Publication thereof is now on file in my office and is a part of the original records pertaining to the adoption of the aforesaid ordinance.

I FURTHER CERTIFY that in accordance with the foregoing, said ordinance shall take effect 7 days after its publication as stated above.

Dated at Washington Township, Gratiot County, Michigan, this ___day of __________, 2022.

Barbara Hoffer
Township Clerk