Public Notices (Published July 28, 2022)



WHEREAS, the Township of New Haven, having been authorized by P.A. 33 of 2008, as amended, being the Michigan Planning Enabling Act, M.C.L. 125.3801 et. seq. creating, organizing and enumerating powers and duties, and providing for the regulation and subdivision of land, coordinated and harmonious development of the Township of New Haven; and to function in cooperation with other constituted authorities of incorporated and unincorporated areas within the county of Gratiot;


1. The Ordinances of the Township of New Haven are hereby amended by the adoption of the NEW HAVEN TOWNSHIP PLANNING COMMISSION ORDINANCE, to read as follows:

Section 1. Affirmation:
This ordinance affirms the existence of the New Haven Township Planning Commission pursuant to P.A. 33 of 2008, as amended, being the Michigan Planning Enabling Act, M.C.L. 125.3801 et. seq. herein after referred to as THE COMMISSION with the powers and duties as therein set forth, and as herein after provided. This ordinance shall be officially known and described as “TOWNSHIP OF NEW HAVEN Planning Commission Ordinance.”

Section 2. Membership:
A. The Commission consists, and in the future shall consist of five (5) members appointed by the supervisor of the TOWNSHIP OF NEW HAVEN, subject to approval by a majority vote of the members of the township board. To be qualified to be a member and remain a member of the Commission, the individual shall meet the following qualifications:
1. shall be a qualified elector of TOWNSHIP OF NEW HAVEN, except one (1) non-qualified elector may be a member of the commission;
2. shall meet the conditions provided for each individual member as set forth below in subsections D and E of this Ordinance, except the geographical location of the individual’s residency may be considered optional.
B. Members are, and in the future shall be appointed for three-year terms. If a vacancy occurs, the vacancy shall be filled for the unexpired term in the same manner as provided for an original appointment such that, as nearly as possible, the terms of ⅓ of all commission members continue to expire each year.
C. One member of the township board, appointed pursuant to subsection A., above, shall serve as an ex officio member. The term of office of the ex officio member shall coincide with his/her elected terms of office on the township board.
D. The membership shall be representative of the important segments of the community, such as the economic, governmental, educational, and social development of the TOWNSHIP OF NEW HAVEN.
E. The membership shall be representative of the entire geography of the TOWNSHIP OF NEW HAVEN to the extent practicable, and as a secondary consideration to the representation of the major interests.
F. A member of the township board of the TOWNSHIP OF NEW HAVEN shall not be chair of the Commission.

Section 3. Bylaws:
The Planning Commission, has adopted Bylaws which govern its meetings and operations, subject to the requirements of MCL 125.3801, et seq. The Bylaws may provide for the establishment “liaisons” to the Commission and may be amended by the Planning Commission from time to time as authorized by the township board, and the Michigan Planning Enabling Act.

Section 4. Members, Appointment and Terms:
A. In May of each year the TOWNSHIP OF NEW HAVEN Clerk shall determine which members’ terms of office expire, and may place an advertisement(s) in a newspaper with paid circulation in TOWNSHIP OF NEW HAVEN to seek applications.
B. In October of each year the supervisor, subject to approval by a majority vote of the members of the township board shall consider the applications and nominations received, and appoint members to the Commission for a three year term of office which shall end on December 31 of the respective year.

Section 5.Removal from Office:
A. The township board may remove a member of the Commission for misfeasance, malfeasance, or nonfeasance in office upon written charges and after a public hearing. Failure to disclose a potential conflict of interest shall be considered malfeasance in office. Failure to repeatedly attend Commission meetings shall be considered nonfeasance in office.
B. The secretary of the Planning Commission shall report any member who has missed three regular meetings in a row to the township board.

Section 6. Membership; Vacancies:
The supervisor, subject to approval by a majority vote of the members of the township board shall fill any vacancy in the membership of the Commission for the unexpired terms in the same manner as the initial appointment.

Section 7. Meetings:
A. The Commission shall hold not less than four (4) regular meetings each year and a majority of the Commission shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of the ordinary business of said Commission and all questions which shall arise at their meetings shall be determined by a vote of the majority of the total membership of the Planning Commission.
B. The affirmative vote of ⅔ of the total number of seats for members of the Commission, regardless if vacancies or absences exist or not, shall be necessary for the approval of a proposed master plan. Any other action of the Planning Commission shall be by a majority of the total number of seats.

Section 8. Powers and Duties:
A. The Commission has the powers and duties as set forth in P.A. 33 of 2008, as amended, being the Michigan Planning Enabling Act, M.C.L. 125.3801 et seq.; and P.A. 110 of the Public Acts of 2006, as amended, being the Michigan Zoning Enabling Act, (M.C.L. 125.3101 et seq.).
B. The Commission shall make an annual written report to the township board concerning its operations and the status of planning activities, including recommendations regarding actions by the township board related to planning and development.

Section 9. Meetings; Records:
The Commission has adopted Bylaws for the transaction of business and shall keep a record of its resolutions, transactions, findings, and determinations, which records shall be a public record.

Section 10. Compensation:
Members of the Planning Commission shall hence forth be compensated for their service, and reimbursed for their expenses for travel when engaged in performance of activities authorized by the township board, including, but not limited to, attendance at conferences, workshops, educational and training programs and meetings, as allowed by MCL 125.3823. The rate of compensation and method of reimbursement shall be set forth by resolution of the township board, and adjusted from time to time as the township board sees fit, to account for inflation and other factors.

Section 11. Approval, Ratification, and Reconfirmation.
All official actions taken by the TOWNSHIP OF NEW HAVEN Planning Commission up to this point, and also the TOWNSHIP OF NEW HAVEN Zoning Board and Zoning Commission, in the past are hereby approved, ratified, and reconfirmed. Any project, review, or process taking place at the effective date of this ordinance shall continue after the effective date of this ordinance, subject to the requirements of this ordinance and shall be deemed a continuation of any previous TOWNSHIP OF NEW HAVEN Planning Commission. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption and publication.

2: Separability. If any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this ordinance is, for any reason, held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions thereof.

3: Ordinances Repealed: All ordinances and/or parts of ordinances inconsistent with this ordinance are hereby repealed.

4: Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force sixty three (63)
days from and after the date of publication of this ordinance.

Passed and approved by the Township Board of the Township of New Haven, Gratiot County, Michigan, in regular session, held _________________, 2022.
We, the undersigned Supervisor and Clerk of the Township of New Haven, Michigan, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing Ordinance, known as Ordinance # ________________ of the Township of New Haven, Michigan was adopted at a regular meeting of the Township Board, held on ___________________________ and published in a newspaper circulated within the township on __________________________________. On the date of this certification the Township Clerk has transmitted a notice of the adoption of this ordinance to the Gratiot County Planning Commission, not less than fourteen (14) days having elapsed from the date of adoption.
Dated at New Haven Township, Michigan, this _____ day of __________________, 2022.

By: Brian Smith
Its: Supervisor

Its: Clerk

City of St. Louis Minute Summary
July 19, 2022 Regular Meeting

Approved Minutes.
Approved Claims & Accounts.
Received Monthly Reports.
Approved Consent Agenda.
Approved Temporary Street Closures.
Adopted Resolution 13.
Adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
Complete copy minutes are available at City Hall or at

Mari Anne Ryder, City Clerk

City of St. Louis Minute Summary
July 5, 2022 Regular Meeting

Approved Minutes.
Approved Claims & Accounts.
Received Board Minutes.
Approved Consent Agenda.
Adopted Resolution 12.
Approved Agreement.
Adjourned at 6:20 p.m.
Complete copy minutes are available at City Hall
or at

Mari Anne Ryder, City Clerk

City of Ithaca Residents and Interested Parties

Site Plan Review and Special Use Permit

The City of Ithaca Planning Commission will hold a Regular Meeting scheduled for Tuesday, August 9, 2022 at 7:00 PM or as soon thereafter for a Special Use Permit as submitted by Tony Leiter; for approval of an accessory building (240sq.ft.) on property located at 450 Webster. (identified as parcel 52-070-049-00). Followed by a Site Plan Review/Special Use Permit as submitted by Sam Smith; for approval of an attached garage on property located at 115 S Catherine Street. (identified as parcel 52-560-002-00).
If unable to attend, written comments may be submitted to the City Clerk by 4:00 PM on Monday, August 8, 2022 at City Hall or e-mailed to

Cathy Cameron
City Clerk

Fulton Township Supervisor Vacancy

Fulton Township Supervisor Opening – Candidate must reside in Fulton Township, Gratiot County and perform the statutory duties of Supervisor which include but are not limited to: Board of Review responsibilities, presiding over the monthly and special board meetings, oversight and assisting with the annual budget. Other responsibilities include oversight of the Department of Public Work Employees work, weekly office handling responsibilities, and options of oversight of Fulton Township’s Zoning. Please submit a resume to the Fulton Township office at P.O. Box 68, 3425 W. Cleveland Rd., Perrinton, MI 48871, by August 8, 2022. Applicants can submit paperwork by mail, in person (M.W.F.), or by email to For additional information, call 989-236-5102.


The Gratiot County Treasurer will offer tax-reverted real estate at public auction on August 24th, 2022.
The auction will be held online at from 10:00am to 7:00pm EST. Bids can also be placed up to 30 days in advance on the website, and assistance is available for those without computer or internet access.
Incomplete or voided sales from the August 24th auction, if any, will be re-offered online on September 28th, 2022. Please visit for additional details.
For more information and a list of the properties being sold, visit or call 1-800-259-7470. Sale listings may also be available at the county treasurer’s office.