Public Notices (Published August 22, 2024)



Please take notice that on August 13, 2024, the Township Board of Bethany Township adopted Ordinance No. 2024-1, which amends the Bethany Township Zoning Ordinance to repeal the Solar Energy Overlay District from Article 7, Section 5, amends Article 7, Section 3 to add Large Solar Energy System as a special use, as prior to Ordinance 2023-2, and amends Article 15, Section 13, Subsection R(2) site plan and development requirements for siting Large Solar Energy Systems on agricultural land. Copies of the Zoning Ordinance Amendment may be obtained from Tracy Howd, Bethany Township Clerk, at 9958 N. Blair Rd., Breckenridge, MI 48916.
The Zoning Ordinance Amendment has the following sections and catch lines: Section 1: Repeal of Zoning Ordinance Article 7, Section 5; Section 2: Amendment to Zoning Ordinance Article 7, Section 3; Section 3: Amendment to Article 15, Section 15.13, Subsection R(2); Section 4: Repeal; Section 5: Savings Clause; Section 6: Severability; Section 7: Effective Date, which is seven days after this publication.
Published by Order of the Township Board
Bethany Township, Gratiot County, Michigan
Tracy Howd, Township Clerk
(989) 620-5842

Bethany Township
Minutes for Regular Meeting on August 13, 2024

Present: Fowler, Howd, Devine, Humm
Absent: Mikek
Others: T Hannah
Meeting called to order by Howd 7:00 pm
Minutes for July 9th read and approved.
Bills were reviewed and approved for payment.
Fowler commented that he forwarded everyone a copy of MTA article in which the solar grant deadline of 9/30/2024 has been lifted
Humm provided update of planning commission meeting
Devine will attend MMWA meeting in September
Howd provided recap of August 6th election
Howd presented a request for property to be removed from PA 116 – board approved Resolution 2024-5 pertaining to this
Howd opened up discussion regarding zoning ordinance amendment
Board approved Resolution 2024-6 Adopting Zoning Ordinance 2024-1 for Large solar Systems
Meeting adjourned at 7:50 pm