Public Notices (Published August 18, 2022)


Bethany Township
Minutes for Regular Meeting on August 9, 2022
Present: Mike, Fowler, Howd, Devine, Humm
Others: Richard Teeter; Jan Bunting, David Justin
Meeting was called to order by Mikek at 7:00 p.m.
Minutes for July 12th read and approved
Bills were reviewed and approved for payment
Bunting provided information on wind turbine funding
Justin introduced himself as opponent to Jan for Commission position.
Mikek has filed complaint with Dept of Ag on behalf of township residents.
Mikek provided information on investing option allowed for townships
Fowler updated that 2nd installment of ARPA has not yet been received and audit went well.
Devine gave Waste Authority update
Howd gave primary election turnout of 309 voters, less than 30%
Howd mentioned that November General Election is on November 8th, board will look at moving November board meeting in October.
Meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m.
Submitted by Tracy Howd, Clerk