Public Notices (Published August 11, 2022)





 DATE:                         August 24th, 2022

 TIME:                         9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

 LOCATION:               Gratiot County Drain Commissioner’s Office

904 East Center Street

Ithaca, Michigan 48847

 QUESTIONS:             (989) 875-5207

 The Day of Review of Drainage District Boundaries is an opportunity to review the Drainage District boundaries of the Drains listed below with the Drain Commissioner or a staff member. A map of the proposed Drainage District boundary revisions can be found on the Gratiot County website at: The Drain Commissioner, engineers, and/or other staff members will be available to assist individuals throughout the day and make revisions where necessary.  Please call ahead to schedule an appointment for a specific time on the Day of Review.

A general description of the lands by section number proposed to be added or deleted from the Drainage Districts as recommended by a licensed professional engineer or surveyor for each of the Drains is as follows:

Drain Name Municipalities Portions of Sections Added Portions of Sections Removed
#28 Drain Fulton Township 1-2, 10-15 & 24-25 1-2, 14, 24-25 & 36
Washington Township 6-7, 18-19 & 30 6-7
#119 Drain  

North Star Township


8 & 16-18 7-8 & 16-18
#159 Drain Lafayette Township 18-19 18-19 & 30
#195 Drain Newark Township 1 & 11-14 1 & 11-14
City of Ithaca 1 & 12 1
#232 Drain Bethany Township 7-8 7
Pine River Township 12 12
#255 Drain Hamilton Township 7 7 & 18
North Star Township 12-13 13
#264 Drain Arcada Township 22-26 23 & 26
#313 Drain Lafayette Township 14-15 14 & 22-23
#376 Drain Hamilton Township 8 4-5 & 8
#412 Drain Lafayette Township 22-23 & 26-27 22-23 & 26-27
#425 Drain Washington Township 21 21
#490 Drain Lafayette Township 11 11
#536 Drain Pine River Township 14-15 14-15 & 22-23
City of St. Louis 23

The computation of costs for the Drains listed above will also be available at the Day of Review. Drain assessments are collected in the same manner as property taxes and will appear on your winter tax bill. If drain assessments are being collected for more than one (1) year, you may pay the assessment in full with any interest to date at any time and avoid further interest charges.

Persons with disabilities needing accommodations for effective participation in the Day of Review should contact the Gratiot County Drain Commissioner’s Office at the number listed above or through the Michigan Relay Center at 7-1-1 (TDD) at least 24 hours in advance of the Day of Review to request mobility, visual, hearing or other assistance.

You may appeal the Drain Commissioner’s decision to revise the district boundary to the Gratiot County Circuit Court within ten (10) days. You also may appeal the Drain Commissioner’s determination of apportionments to the Gratiot County Probate Court within ten (10) days.

Bernard J. Barnes

Gratiot County Drain Commissioner

Notice is hereby given that Arcada Township Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on August 22, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. at Arcada Township Hall, 3290 W. Tyler Road, Alma MI 48801 for the purposes of receiving comments and to decide to reduce the setback distances for Ponds listed in Section 12.22 (C) of the Arcada Township Zoning Ordinance Specific to Pond setback distances from overhead transmission lines.
    Written comments on the proposed zoning amendment will be received until 5:00 p.m. August 22, 2022 and may be sent  to the following address:
            Township Clerk: Laureen Baxter
             1798 N. Ely Highway
              Alma, MI 48801

A Regional Transportation Task Force meeting will be held on Monday, August 15,
2022, 10:00 a.m., at the office of the Saginaw County Road Commission, 3020 Sheridan
Avenue, Saginaw, MI 48605

The purpose of this meeting is to determine the transportation projects in the Region 7B
Task Force for Small Urban and Rural, Federal STBG Program, and State D funds.