Legal Notices (Published October 19, 2023)


This firm is a debt collector. This is an attempt to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose.
A default has occurred in the conditions of a Mortgage dated July 1, 2003, by MICHAEL L. FITZPATRICK and LORETTA L. MYERS, Mortgagors, of 411 S. Pine River Street, Ithaca, Michigan 48847, to MICHAEL J. PETERS and CARLA J. PETERS, of 9211 Candlestone Drive, Stanwood, Michigan 49346, and recorded in Liber 722, Page 1029, on July 7, 2003, Gratiot County records on which Mortgage there is claimed to be due and unpaid at the date of this notice the sum of FIFTY THREE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED FORTY-EIGHT DOLLARS and 74/100 ($53,948.74) Dollars principal and FORTY-TWO THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED FORTY-ONE DOLLARS and 21/100 ($42,841.21) Dollars interest through September 1, 2023. LORETTA L. MYERS transferred her entire interest in the property on May 5, 2008, to MICHAEL L. FITZPATRICK as recorded in Liber 849, Page 1490 and was released from the Mortgage on May 30, 2008, as recorded in Liber 853, Page 1024. No suit or proceeding at law or in equity having been instituted to recover the debt or any part of the debt, secured by said Mortgage and the power of sale contained in said Mortgage having become operative by reason of such default.
Notice is hereby given under section 3212 of the revised judicature act of 1961, 1961 PA 236, MCL 600.3212, that the following mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the mortgaged premises, or some part of them, at a public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash or cashier’s check at the place of holding the circuit court in Gratiot County (at the main entrance of the Gratiot County Circuit Court Building in the City of Ithaca, Gratiot County, Michigan), at 214 E Center St, Ithaca, MI 48847, starting promptly at 10:00 A.M. on Thursday, October 26, 2023.
The amount due on the mortgage may be greater on the date of the sale. Placing the highest bid does not automatically convey free and clear ownership of the property. A potential purchaser is encouraged to contact the county register of deeds or a title insurance company, either of which may charge a fee for this information. If the property is sold, under section 3278, the borrower will be held responsible to the person who buys the property at the mortgage foreclosure sale or the mortgage holder for damaging the property during the redemption period.
Said property is located in the Township of Newark, County of Gratiot, Michigan, described as: Part of the South ½ of the Southwest ¼ of Section 3, Town 10 North, Range 3 West, Newark Township, Gratiot County, Michigan. More particularly described as: Beginning at a point on the West line of said Section 3 which is North 00°00’00” East 702.61 feet from the Southwest corner of said Section 3; thence continuing North 00°00’00” East, along said West Section line 200.00 feet, thence South 90°00’00” East, perpendicular to said West line, 335.46 feet, thence South 00°00’00” West, parallel with said West line, 200.00 feet; thence North 90°00’00” West, perpendicular to said West line, 335.48 feet to the point of beginning.
Property Address: 829 S ALGER ROAD, ITHACA, MI, 48847 Tax ID No.: 08-003-013-10
If you are a military service member on active duty, if your period of active duty has concluded less than 90 days ago, or if you have been ordered to active duty, please contact the attorney for the party foreclosing the mortgage at the telephone number stated in this notice.
The redemption period shall be six (6) months from the date of such sale; provided, however, that in the event the property is determined to be abandoned pursuant to MCL 600.3241 (a), the property may be redeemed during the thirty (30) days immediately following such sale.
The Mortgagor (borrower) will be responsible to the person who buys the property at the mortgage fore- closure sale or to the mortgage holder for damaging the property during the redemption period.
Dated: September 21, 2023.
200 St. Andrews Road
Saginaw, MI 48603
(989) 792-9641
(09-28)(10-19) 39t4

Notice of Foreclosure by Advertisement
Notice is given under section 3212 of the revised judicature act of 1961, 1961 PA 236, MCL 600.3212, that the following mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the mortgaged premises, or some part of them, at a public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash or cashier’s check at the place of holding the circuit court in Gratiot County, starting promptly at 10:00 AM, on November 2, 2023. The amount due on the mortgage may be greater on the day of sale. Placing the highest bid at the sale does not automatically entitle the purchaser to free and clear ownership of the property. A potential purchaser is encouraged to contact the county register of deeds office or a title insurance company, either of which may charge a fee for this information:
Name(s) of the mortgagor(s): Gabriel Earegood a/k/a Gabriel J. Earegood, A Single Man
Original Mortgagee: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as mortgagee, as nominee for lender and lender’s successors and/or assigns
Foreclosing Assignee (if any): Lakeview Loan Servicing LLC
Date of Mortgage: November 4, 2009
Date of Mortgage Recording: November 5, 2009
Amount claimed due on date of notice: $54,728.48
Description of the mortgaged premises: Situated in City of St Louis, Gratiot County, Michigan, and described as: Lots 7 and 8, Block 74, Holcomb and Evans Addition to the City of St. Louis, Gratiot County, Michigan, according to the recorded plat thereof.
Common street address (if any): 203 N Delaware St, Saint Louis, MI 48880-1472
The redemption period shall be 6 months from the date of such sale, unless determined abandoned in accordance with MCL 600.3241a; or, if the subject real property is used for agricultural purposes as defined by MCL 600.3240(16).
If the property is sold at foreclosure sale under Chapter 32 of the Revised Judicature Act of 1961, pursuant to MCL 600.3278 the borrower will be held responsible to the person who buys the property at the mortgage foreclosure sale or to the mortgage holder for damaging the property during the redemption period.
Attention homeowner: If you are a military service member on active duty, if your period of active duty has concluded less than 90 days ago, or if you have been ordered to active duty, please contact the attorney for the party foreclosing the mortgage at the telephone number stated in this notice.
This notice is from a debt collector.
Date of notice: September 28, 2023
Trott Law, P.C.
31440 Northwestern Hwy, Suite 145
Farmington Hills, MI 48334
(248) 642-2515
(09-28)(10-19) 39t4

Notice of Foreclosure by Advertisement
Notice is given under section 3212 of the revised judicature act of 1961, 1961 PA 236, MCL 600.3212, that the following mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the mortgaged premises, or some part of them, at a public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash or cashier’s check at the place of holding the circuit court in Gratiot County, starting promptly at 10:00 AM, on November 30, 2023. The amount due on the mortgage may be greater on the day of sale. Placing the highest bid at the sale does not automatically entitle the purchaser to free and clear ownership of the property. A potential purchaser is encouraged to contact the county register of deeds office or a title insurance company, either of which may charge a fee for this information:
Name(s) of the mortgagor(s): Michael Fox, A Married Man
Original Mortgagee: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as mortgagee, as nominee for lender and lender’s successors and/or assigns
Foreclosing Assignee (if any): PennyMac Loan Services, LLC
Date of Mortgage: December 30, 2021
Date of Mortgage Recording: January 10, 2022
Amount claimed due on date of notice: $143,492.29
Description of the mortgaged premises: Situated in Township of Wheeler, Gratiot County, Michigan, and described as: The North 252 feet of the East 272 feet of the West 1/2 of the Northwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 22, T12N, R1W
Common street address (if any): 9612 E Olive Rd, Wheeler, MI 48662-9745
The redemption period shall be 6 months from the date of such sale, unless determined abandoned in accordance with MCL 600.3241a; or, if the subject real property is used for agricultural purposes as defined by MCL 600.3240(16).
If the property is sold at foreclosure sale under Chapter 32 of the Revised Judicature Act of 1961, pursuant to MCL 600.3278 the borrower will be held responsible to the person who buys the property at the mortgage foreclosure sale or to the mortgage holder for damaging the property during the redemption period.
Attention homeowner: If you are a military service member on active duty, if your period of active duty has concluded less than 90 days ago, or if you have been ordered to active duty, please contact the attorney for the party foreclosing the mortgage at the telephone number stated in this notice.
This notice is from a debt collector.
Date of notice: October 19, 2023
Trott Law, P.C.
31440 Northwestern Hwy, Suite 145
Farmington Hills, MI 48334
(248) 642-2515
(10-19)(11-09) 42t4

Decedent’s trust
The Settlor, Doratha E. Merchant (date of birth May 12, 1935), who was a resident of Wake County, North Carolina, and has property in Gratiot County, Michigan, diedAugust 27, 2023. There is no personal representative of the Settlor’s estate to whom Letters of Administration have been issued.
Creditors of the Settlor are notified that all claims against the Doratha E. Merchant Trust, dated June 14, 2001, as amended, will be forever barred unless presented to Robert J. Stolz, Trustee, c/o the Law Office of Rhonda M. Clark, P.C., PO Box 147, St Louis, MI 48880, within four (4) months after the date of publication of this Notice.
Notice is further given that the Trust will thereafter be assigned and distributed to the persons entitled to it.
Dated: October 11, 2023
Robert J. Stolz
9916 Koupela Dr
Raleigh, NC 27614
(919) 270-4530
By: Rhonda M. Clark-Kreuer (P49818)
111 N Mill St
PO Box 147
St Louis, MI 48880
(989) 681-8700 42t1

Decedent’s trust
Hon. Kristin M. Bakker
NOTICE TO CREDITORS: The decedent, Joan H. Wrisley, who lived at 7504 N. Bagley Rd., St. Louis, MI 48880, died September 9, 2023.
Creditors of the decedent are notified that all claims against the estate will be forever barred unless presented to Eugene C. Wrisley, named personal representative, or to both the Gratiot County Probate Court, 214 E. Center St., Ithaca, MI 48847 and the personal representative within 4 months of the date of publication of this notice.
Dated: October 16, 2023
Eugene C. Wrisley
7504 N. Bagley Rd.
St. Louis, MI 48880
Christopher E. Goggin (P68689)
P.O. Box 488
Alma, MI 48801
(989)463-3191 43t1

Decedent’s Estate
NOTICE TO CREDITORS: The decedent, Isabelle M. Sinko, who lived at 417 W. Polk Rd., Ithaca, MI 48847, died October 7, 2023.
Creditors of the decedent are notified that all claims against the estate will be forever barred unless presented to Sheila R. Droste, of 128 W. North St., Ithaca, MI 48847, named successor trustee of the Isabelle M. Sinko Revocable Living Trust dated May 22, 2003, within 4 months of the date of publication of this notice.
Dated: October 16, 2023
Sheila R. Droste
128 W. North St.
Ithaca, MI 48847
Christopher E. Goggin (P68689)
P.O. Box 488
Alma, MI 48801
(989)463-3191 42t1