Legal Notices (Published January 15, 2025)


Notice of Foreclosure by Advertisement
Notice is given under section 3212 of the revised judicature act of 1961, 1961 PA 236, MCL 600.3212, that the following mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the mortgaged premises, or some part of them, at a public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash or cashier’s check at the place of holding the circuit court in Gratiot County, starting promptly at 10:00 AM, on January 23, 2025. The amount due on the mortgage may be greater on the day of sale. Placing the highest bid at the sale does not automatically entitle the purchaser to free and clear ownership of the property. A potential purchaser is encouraged to contact the county register of deeds office or a title insurance company, either of which may charge a fee for this information:
Name(s) of the mortgagor(s): Damien J. Miller, a married man
Original Mortgagee: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as mortgagee, as nominee for lender and lender’s successors and/or assigns
Foreclosing Assignee (if any): CITIZENS BANK NA f/k/a RBS CITIZENS NA
Date of Mortgage: January 26, 2021
Date of Mortgage Recording: January 28, 2021
Amount claimed due on date of notice: $82,310.86
Description of the mortgaged premises: Situated in City of St Louis, Gratiot County, Michigan, and described as: Commencing at the Southeast corner of Lot 23, Block 8, E.W. Smith’s Addition to the Village (Now City) of St. Louis, Gratiot County, Michigan; thence North 49.2 feet, North 71 degrees 30 minutes West 86.02 feet to the East line of Midland Street, South and West along the East line of Midland Street to the Southwest corner of Lot 23, East to place of beginning.
Common street address (if any): 330 N Main St, Saint Louis, MI 48880-1816
The redemption period shall be 6 months from the date of such sale, unless determined abandoned in accordance with MCL 600.3241a; or, if the subject real property is used for agricultural purposes as defined by MCL 600.3240(16).
If the property is sold at foreclosure sale under Chapter 32 of the Revised Judicature Act of 1961, pursuant to MCL 600.3278 the borrower will be held responsible to the person who buys the property at the mortgage foreclosure sale or to the mortgage holder for damaging the property during the redemption period.
Attention homeowner: If you are a military service member on active duty, if your period of active duty has concluded less than 90 days ago, or if you have been ordered to active duty, please contact the attorney for the party foreclosing the mortgage at the telephone number stated in this notice.
This notice is from a debt collector.
Date of notice: December 26, 2024
Trott Law, P.C.
31440 Northwestern Hwy, Suite 145
Farmington Hills, MI 48334
(248) 642-2515
(12-26)(01-16) 52t4

Attention homeowner: If you are a military service member on active duty, if your period of active duty has concluded less than 90 days ago, or if you have been ordered to active duty, please contact the attorney for the party foreclosing the mortgage at the telephone number stated in this notice.
Notice of foreclosure by advertisement. Notice is given under section 3212 of the revised judicature act of 1961, 1961 PA 236, MCL 600.3212, that the following mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the mortgaged premises, or some part of them, at a public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash or cashier’s check at the place of holding the circuit court in Gratiot County, starting promptly at 10:00 AM on JANUARY 23, 2025. The amount due on the mortgage may be greater on the day of the sale. Placing the highest bid at the sale does not automatically entitle the purchaser to free and clear ownership of the property. A potential purchaser is encouraged to contact the county register of deeds office or a title insurance company, either of which may charge a fee for this information.
Default has been made in the conditions of a mortgage made by Justin L. Smeltzer, a single man, to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for Amerifirst Financial Corporation, Mortgagee, dated May 29, 2018 and recorded May 30, 2018 in Liber 1022, Page 1009 Gratiot County Records, Michigan. Said mortgage is now held by Carrington Mortgage Services, LLC, by assignment. There is claimed to be due at the date hereof the sum of One Hundred One Thousand Seventy and 11/100 Dollars ($101,070.11).
Under the power of sale contained in said mortgage and the statute in such case made and provided, notice is hereby given that said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the mortgaged premises, or some part of them, at public vendue at the place of holding the circuit court within Gratiot County, Michigan at 10:00 AM on JANUARY 23, 2025.
Said premises are located in the Township of Elba, Gratiot County Michigan, and are described as:
Commencing 4 rods South of the Northeast corner of the Southeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4, Section 7, Town 9 North, Range 1 West, Elba Township, Gratiot County, Michigan; thence South 195 feet; thence West 195 feet; thence North 195 feet; thence East 195 feet to the Point of Beginning.
104 S Farr St, Ashley, Michigan 48806
The redemption period shall be 6 months from the date of such sale, unless determined abandoned in accordance with MCLA §600.3241a, in which case the redemption period shall be 30 days from the date of such sale.
If the property is sold at foreclosure sale, pursuant to MCL 600.3278, the borrower will be held responsible to the person who buys the property at the mortgage foreclosure sale or to the mortgage holder for damage to the property during the redemption period.
Dated: December 26, 2024
File No. 24-015304
Firm Name: Orlans PC
Firm Address: 1650 West Big Beaver Road, Troy MI 48084
Firm Phone Number: (248) 502.1400
(12-26)(01-16) 52t4

Notice of foreclosure by advertisement. Notice is given under section 3212 of the revised judicature act of 1961, 1961 PA 236, MCL 600.3212, that the following Mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the mortgaged premises, or some part of them, at a public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash or cashier’s check at the place of holding the circuit court in Gratiot County, starting promptly at 10:00 AM, on February 6, 2025.
The amount due on the Mortgage may be greater on the day of the sale. Placing the highest bid at the sale does not automatically entitle the purchaser to free and clear ownership of the property. A potential purchaser is encouraged to contact the county register of deeds office or a title insurance company, either of which may charge a fee for this information. Default has been made in the conditions of a Mortgage made by SHELIA EICHHORN-ALLEN to New American Funding, LLC dated June 24, 2024 and recorded July 12, 2024 as Instrument No. 2024R-03378, Gratiot County, Michigan.
Said Mortgage is now held by Broker Solutions Inc. dba New American Funding by assignment and/or merger. There is claimed to be due at the date hereof the sum of $61,229.40. Said premises are located in Gratiot County, Michigan and are described as: The land referred to herein below is situated in the City of Ithaca, County of Gratiot, State of Michigan, and is described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of Block 10, Church’s Addition to the Village (Now City) of Ithaca, Gratiot County, Michigan, thence North 35.82 feet, thence East 120 feet, thence South 35.82 feet, thence West 120 foot to the place of beginning, and commencing at the Northwest corner of Lot 6, Block “H” of Benham’s Plat of Northeast Ithaca, thence North 33 feet, thence East 120 feet, thence South 33 feet, thence West 120 feet to plat of beginning. Parcel/APN/Tax ID: 52-160-001-10 Said property is commonly known as 326 N Ithaca St, Ithaca, MI 48847.
The redemption period shall be 6 months from the date of such sale, unless determined abandoned in accordance with MCLA 600.3241a, in which case the redemption period shall be 30 days from the date of such sale. If the property is sold at foreclosure sale, pursuant to MCL 600.3278, the borrower will be held responsible to the person who buys the property at the mortgage foreclosure sale or to the mortgage holder for damage to the property during the redemption period.
TO ALL PURCHASERS: The foreclosing mortgagee can rescind the sale. In that event, your damages, if any, are limited solely to the return of the bid amount tendered at sale, plus interest. Please be advised that any third party purchaser is responsible for preparing and recording the Sheriff’s Deed. If this is a residential Mortgage, the following shall apply:
ATTENTION HOMEOWNER: If you are a military service member on active duty, if your period of active duty has concluded less than 90 days ago, or if you have been ordered to active duty, please contact the attorney for the party foreclosing the Mortgage at the telephone number stated in this notice.
Dated: December 19, 2024
Attorney for the party foreclosing the Mortgage: Thomas E. McDonald (P39312)
Brock & Scott, PLLC
5431 Oleander Drive
Wilmington, NC 28403
PHONE: (844) 856-6646
File No. 24-33168
(12-26)(01-16) 52t4

Attention homeowner: If you are a military service member on active duty, if your period of active duty has concluded less than 90 days ago, or if you have been ordered to active duty, please contact the attorney for the party foreclosing the mortgage at the telephone number stated in this notice.
Notice of foreclosure by advertisement. Notice is given under section 3212 of the revised judicature act of 1961, 1961 PA 236, MCL 600.3212, that the following mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the mortgaged premises, or some part of them, at a public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash or cashier’s check at the place of holding the circuit court in Gratiot County, starting promptly at 10:00 AM on JANUARY 23, 2025. The amount due on the mortgage may be greater on the day of the sale. Placing the highest bid at the sale does not automatically entitle the purchaser to free and clear ownership of the property. A potential purchaser is encouraged to contact the county register of deeds office or a title insurance company, either of which may charge a fee for this information.
Default has been made in the conditions of a mortgage made by Douglas D. Zimmerman, married man and Mary E. Zimmerman, a married woman, to GreenPoint Credit, LLC, Mortgagee, dated April 6, 2000 and recorded April 10, 2000 in Liber 623, Page 1419 Gratiot County Records, Michigan. Said mortgage is now held by The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company N.A. as successor in interest to all permitted successors and assigns of Bank One, National Association as Trustee, of the GreenPoint Manufactured Housing Contract Trust, Pass-Through Certificates, Series 2000-4, by assignment. There is claimed to be due at the date hereof the sum of Thirty-Seven Thousand One Hundred Ninety-Eight and 31/100 Dollars ($37,198.31).
Under the power of sale contained in said mortgage and the statute in such case made and provided, notice is hereby given that said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the mortgaged premises, or some part of them, at public venue at the place of holding the circuit court within Gratiot County, Michigan at 10:00 AM on JANUARY 23, 2025.
Said premises are located in the Township of SEVILLE, Gratiot County Michigan, and are described as:
All the following described premises situated in the Township of Seville, County of Gratiot, State of Michigan:
A parcel of land 150 feet East and West and 36 rods North and South located 400 feet West of Quarter Post between Sections 35 and 36, Township 12 North, Range 4 West, Michigan, and 4 rods North of said Quarter Post which is 2 rods North of Pere Marquette Railway right of way, thence West 150 feet, thence North 36 rods, thence East 150 feet, thence South 36 rods to beginning (being part of the South 1/2 of the South 1/2 of the Northeast 1/4).
6535 Hillsinger, Elwell, Michigan 48832
The redemption period shall be 6 months from the date of such sale, unless determined abandoned in accordance with MCLA §600.3241a, in which case the redemption period shall be 30 days from the date of such sale.
If the property is sold at foreclosure sale, pursuant to MCL 600.3278, the borrower will be held responsible to the person who buys the property at the mortgage foreclosure sale or to the mortgage holder for damage to the property during the redemption period.
Dated: December 26, 2024
File No. 24-013235
Firm Name: Orlans PC
Firm Address: 1650 West Big Beaver Road, Troy MI 48084
Firm Phone Number: (248) 502.1400
(12-26)(01-16) 52t4

Notice of Foreclosure by Advertisement. Notice is given under section 3212 of the revised judicature act of 1961, 1961 PA 236, MCL 600.3212, that the following mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the mortgaged premises, or some part of them, at a public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash or cashier’s check at the place of holding the circuit court in Gratiot County, starting promptly at 10:00 AM, on February 06, 2025. The amount due on the mortgage may be greater on the day of the sale. Placing the highest bid at the sale does not automatically entitle the purchaser to free and clear ownership of the property. A potential purchaser is encouraged to contact the county register of deeds office or a title insurance company, either of which may charge a fee for this information.
Original Mortgagee: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. (“MERS”), solely as nominee for lender and lender`s successors and assigns
Date of mortgage: April 28, 2022
Recorded on May 10, 2022, Liber 1102, on Page 1444,
Foreclosing Assignee (if any): The Huntington National Bank Amount claimed to be due at the date hereof: One Hundred Thirty-Four Thousand Two Hundred Twenty-One and 26/100 Dollars ($134,221.26)
Mortgaged premises: Situated in Gratiot County, and described as: Lot 6, Riverview Subdivision, Pine River Township, Gratiot County, Michigan, according to the recorded plat thereof. Commonly known as 126 Wilson Dr, Saint Louis, MI 48880
The redemption period will be 6 month from the date of such sale, unless abandoned under MCL 600.3241a, in which case the redemption period will be 30 days from the date of such sale, or 15 days from the MCL 600.3241a(b) notice, whichever is later; or unless extinguished pursuant to MCL 600.3238.
If the above referenced property is sold at a foreclosure sale under Chapter 32 of Act 236 of 1961, under MCL 600.3278, the borrower will be held responsible to the person who buys the property at the mortgage foreclosure sale or to the mortgage holder for damaging the property during the redemption period.
Attention homeowner: If you are a military service member on active duty, if your period of active duty has concluded less than 90 days ago, or if you have been ordered to active duty, please contact the attorney for the party foreclosing the mortgage at the telephone number stated in this notice.
The Huntington National Bank Mortgagee/Assignee Schneiderman & Sherman P.C.
23938 Research Dr,
Suite 300
Farmington Hills, MI 48335
(01-02)(01-23) 1t4

Attention homeowner: If you are a military service member on active duty, if your period of active duty has concluded less than 90 days ago, or if you have been ordered to active duty, please contact the attorney for the party foreclosing the mortgage at the telephone number stated in this notice.
Notice of foreclosure by advertisement. Notice is given under section 3212 of the revised judicature act of 1961, 1961 PA 236, MCL 600.3212, that the following mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the mortgaged premises, or some part of them, at a public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash or cashier’s check at the place of holding the circuit court in Gratiot County, starting promptly at 10:00 AM on JANUARY 30, 2025. The amount due on the mortgage may be greater on the day of the sale. Placing the highest bid at the sale does not automatically entitle the purchaser to free and clear ownership of the property. A potential purchaser is encouraged to contact the county register of deeds office or a title insurance company, either of which may charge a fee for this information.
Default has been made in the conditions of a mortgage made by Joseph R. Porter, to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for Academy Mortgage Corporation, Mortgagee, dated February 15, 2012 and recorded February 17, 2012 in Liber 915, Page 107 and Home Affordable Modification Agreement recorded on February 24, 2017, in Liber 1000, Page 120, and Affidavit Affecting Realty recorded on June 11, 2024, in Instrument Number 2024R–02909, Gratiot County Records, Michigan. Said mortgage is now held by Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., by assignment. There is claimed to be due at the date hereof the sum of Fifty-Four Thousand Seven Hundred Seven and 28/100 Dollars ($54,707.28).
Under the power of sale contained in said mortgage and the statute in such case made and provided, notice is hereby given that said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the mortgaged premises, or some part of them, at public venue at the place of holding the circuit court within Gratiot County, Michigan at 10:00 AM on JANUARY 30, 2025.
Said premises are located in the City of St. Louis, Gratiot County Michigan, and are described as:
419 West Washington Street, Saint Louis, Michigan 48880
The redemption period shall be 6 months from the date of such sale, unless determined abandoned in accordance with MCLA §600.3241a, in which case the redemption period shall be 30 days from the date of such sale.
If the property is sold at foreclosure sale, pursuant to MCL 600.3278, the borrower will be held responsible to the person who buys the property at the mortgage foreclosure sale or to the mortgage holder for damage to the property during the redemption period.
Dated: January 2, 2025
File No. 23-009081
Firm Name: Orlans PC
Firm Address: 1650 West Big Beaver Road, Troy MI 48084
Firm Phone Number: (248) 502.1400
(01-02)(01-23) 1t4

Notice of Foreclosure by Advertisement. Notice is given under section 3212 of the revised judicature act of 1961, 1961 PA 236, MCL 600.3212, that the following mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the mortgaged premises, or some part of them, at a public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash or cashier’s check at the place of holding the circuit court in Gratiot County, starting promptly at 10:00 AM, on February 20, 2025. The amount due on the mortgage may be greater on the day of the sale. Placing the highest bid at the sale does not automatically entitle the purchaser to free and clear ownership of the property. A potential purchaser is encouraged to contact the county register of deeds office or a title insurance company, either of which may charge a fee for this information.
MORTGAGE: Mortgagor(s): Derek Babcock, an unmarried man
Original Mortgagee: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. (“MERS”), solely as nominee for lender and lender`s successors and assigns
Date of mortgage: December 10, 2021
Recorded on December 21, 2021, Liber 01095, on Page 749, and re-recorded via Loan Modification recorded on November 13, 2024 in Document No. 2024R-05202
Foreclosing Assignee (if any): Nationstar Mortgage LLC
Amount claimed to be due at the date hereof: One Hundred Eighty-One Thousand Four Hundred Thirty-Four and 05/100 Dollars ($181,434.05)
Mortgaged premises: Situated in Gratiot County, and described as: Commencing 496 feet South of the Northeast corner of the Southeast 1/4; thence South 200 feet; thence West 379.5 feet; thence North 200 feet; thence East 379.5 feet to the point of beginning, Section 3, T11N, R4W, Sumner Township, Gratiot County, Michigan. Commonly known as 5425 Bliss Road, Elwell, MI 48832
The redemption period will be 6 month from the date of such sale, unless abandoned under MCL 600.3241a, in which case the redemption period will be 30 days from the date of such sale, or 15 days from the MCL 600.3241a(b) notice, whichever is later; or unless extinguished pursuant to MCL 600.3238.
If the above referenced property is sold at a foreclosure sale under Chapter 32 of Act 236 of 1961, under MCL 600.3278, the borrower will be held responsible to the person who buys the property at the mortgage foreclosure sale or to the mortgage holder for damaging the property during the redemption period.
Attention homeowner: If you are a military service member on active duty, if your period of active duty has concluded less than 90 days ago, or if you have been ordered to active duty, please contact the attorney for the party foreclosing the mortgage at the telephone number stated in this notice.
Nationstar Mortgage LLC Mortgagee/Assignee Schneiderman & Sherman P.C.
23938 Research Dr,
Suite 300
Farmington Hills, MI 48335
(01-16)(02-06) 3t4

Attention homeowner: If you are a military service member on active duty, if your period of active duty has concluded less than 90 days ago, or if you have been ordered to active duty, please contact the attorney for the party foreclosing the mortgage at the telephone number stated in this notice.
NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND FORECLOSURE SALE WHEREAS on 10/16/2002, a certain Home Equity Conversion Mortgage was executed by Margaret Dorothy Biehl, a single woman, as mortgagor in favor of Financial Freedom Senior Funding Corporation, a subsidiary of Lehman Brothers Bank, FSB, as mortgagee, and was recorded on 10/23/2002 in Liber 692, Page 340 Gratiot County Records; and
WHEREAS, the Mortgage was insured by the United States Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (the “Secretary”) pursuant to the National Housing Act for the purpose of providing single family housing; and
WHEREAS, the Mortgage is now owned by the Secretary, through mesne assignments as documented by an Assignment of Mortgage, dated 09/15/2014 and recorded 11/04/2014 in Liber 964, Page 901 Gratiot County Records; and
WHEREAS, default has been made in the covenants and conditions of the Mortgage in that Margaret Dorothy Biehl is/are deceased and the property described below is not the principal residence of at least one surviving Borrower; and
WHEREAS, the entire amount delinquent as of December 18, 2024 is $235,980.43; and
WHEREAS, by virtue of this default, the Secretary has declared the entire amount of the indebtedness secured by the mortgage to be immediately due and payable;
NOW THEREFORE, pursuant to powers vested in me by the Single Family Mortgage Foreclosure Act of 1994, 12 U.S.C. 3751 et seq., by 24 CFR part 27, subpart B, and by the Secretary’s designation of me as Foreclosure Commissioner, Recorded October 7, 2024 in Document Number 2024R-04645 Gratiot County Records, notice is hereby given that on February 13, 2025 at 10:00 AM local time, the real property located in the City of Saint Louis, County of Gratiot, State of Michigan, the below described will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder: LOT 137 OF WESTGATE PARK, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN LIBER 1 OF THE PLATS, PAGE 151 OF GRATIOT COUNTY RECORDS Commonly known as: 501 Devon Dr, Saint Louis, MI 48880 Tax Parcel No.: 53-850-134-00
The sale will be held at the Gratiot County Courthouse Building in the City of Ithaca, Michigan, Gratiot, Michigan. The United States Secretary of Housing and Urban Development will bid $240,927.19.
There will be no proration of taxes, rents or other income or liabilities, except that the purchaser will pay, at or before closing, their pro rata share of any real estate taxes that have been paid by the Secretary to the date of the foreclosure sale. When making their bids, all bidders, except the Secretary, must submit a deposit totaling $24,092.72 [10% of the Secretary’s bid] in the form of a certified check or cashier’s check, made payable to the Secretary of HUD. A deposit need not accompany each oral bid. If the successful bid is oral, a deposit of $24,092.72 must be presented before the bidding is closed. The deposit is nonrefundable. The remainder of the purchase price must be delivered within 30 days of the sale or at such other time as the Secretary may determine for good cause shown, time being of the essence. This amount, like the bid deposits, must be delivered in the form of a certified or cashier’s check. If the Secretary is the high bidder he/she/they need not pay the bid amount in case. The successful bidder will pay all conveying fees, all real estate and other taxes that are due on or after the delivery date of the remainder of the payments and all other costs associated with the transfer of title. At the conclusion of the sale, the deposits of the unsuccessful bidders will be returned to them. The Secretary may grant an extension of time within which to deliver the remainder of the payment. All extensions will be for 15-day increments for a fee of $500.00, paid in advance. The extension fee shall be in the form of a certified or cashier’s check made payable to the Secretary of HUD. If the high bidder closes the sale prior to the expiration of any extension period, the unused portion of the extension fee shall be applied toward the amount due. If the high bidder is unable to close the sale within the required period, or within any extensions of time granted by the Secretary, the high bidder may be required to forfeit the case deposit or, at the election of the foreclosure commissioner after the consultation with the HUD representative, will be liable to HUD for any costs incurred as a result of such failure. The Commissioner may, at the direction of the HUD representative, offer the property to the second highest bidder for an amount equal to the highest price offered by that bidder. There is no right of redemption, or right of possession based upon a right of redemption, in the mortgagor or others subsequent to a foreclosure completed pursuant to the Act.
Therefore, the Foreclosure Commissioner will issue a Deed to the purchaser(s) upon receipt of the entire purchase price in accordance with the terms of the sale as provided herein. HUD does not guarantee that the property will be vacant. The scheduled foreclosure sale shall be cancelled or adjourned if it is established, by documented written application of the mortgagor to the Foreclosure Commissioner not less than 3 days before the date of sale, or otherwise, that the default or defaults upon which the foreclosure is based did not exist at the time of service of this notice of default and foreclosure sale, or all amounts due under the mortgage agreement are tendered to the Foreclosure Commissioner, in the form of a certified or cashier’s check payable to the Secretary of HUD, before public auction of the property is completed. Payment of the entire outstanding balance of the mortgage debt is required to the cure the default. The “outstanding balance” includes amounts that would be due under the mortgage agreement if the debt under the mortgage had not been accelerated, advertising costs, posting costs and postage expenses incurred in giving notice, mileage by the most reasonable road distance for posting notices, reasonable and customary costs incurred for title and lien record searches, the necessary out-of-pocket costs incurred by the Foreclosure Commissioner for recorded documents, a commission for the Foreclosure and all other costs incurred in connection with the foreclosure prior to sale. Tender of payment be certified or cashier’s check or applicable for cancellation of the foreclosure sale shall be submitted to the address of the Foreclosure Commissioner provided below. Date: 12/20/2024
Neil Sherman Foreclosure Commissioner for the United States Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
23938 Research Dr
Suite 300
Farmington Hills, MI 48335
On this 12/20/2024, before me, a Notary Public in and for said County of Oakland, came Neil Sherman of Schneiderman & Sherman P.C., the Foreclosure Commissioner, known to me to be the individual described in and who executed the above conveyance, and who acknowledged that he/she executed the same to be his/her free act and deed as such. Brenda McWhorter, Notary Public Oakland County, Michigan My Commission Expires: 07/05/2029 Acting in Oakland County, Michigan Drafted by and when recorded return to:
Erica Nichols (P80833)
Schneiderman & Sherman P.C.
23938 Research Dr
Suite 300
Farmington Hills, MI 48335
(01-02)(01-16) 1t3

Decedent’s Trust
File # NA
NOTICE TO CREDITORS: The decedent, PETER J. SABO, died AUGUST 6, 2024.
Creditors of the decedent are notified that all claims against the trust will be forever barred unless presented to DIANA TORRES-SABO, C/O KOSTA D. POVICH, BRAUN KENDRICK FINKBEINER P.L.C., 4301 FASHION SQUARE BLVD., SAGINAW, MI 48603, named trustee within 4 months after the date of publication of this notice.
Dated: JANUARY 16, 2025
ALMA, MI 48801
989-498-2100 3t1