
5 Generations

 Front - Nancy Hundey Loomis, Aoife Haas, Taya Haas. Back - Darrell Hundey, Darcie Gibboney 


 The Ithaca Promotional Committee held its third successful quilt show October 13-14 as part of the Ithaca Harvest Festival. Approximately thirty quilts and quilted...

Coming Events

Alma VFW Alma VFW Post 1454 is having... Burger Nite each Wed. from 5-7p.m. starting May 31st. Fish Fry the 4th Fri. of each month from 5-7p.m. Take...

Gratiot County Commission on Aging Upcome Bus Trips

 “Diva Royale” Thursday, November 16, 2023 $169.00 (Inclusive) Bus Departs: 9:00 am, Return 7:00 pm We will be traveling to the Purple Rose Theater in Chelsea to see...


Museum Closing Soon for Winter  The museum will be closing for the winter soon with its last exhibit day being Wednesday, October 25, 1-4:00 p.m....


“Lost, Forgotten and Unforgettable Places of Gratiot County"  This free program will be presented Monday, October 16, 7:00 p.m. at the Gratiot Genealogy Library, 228...

95th Birthday

 The family of Jim Diehl would like to honor him with a card shower on his 95th birthday on October 20th. Cards may be...

Deadwood Grove Haunts Again!

 Mid Michigan College’s Harrison Campus offers nearly 20 miles of trails for hiking and mountain bike enthusiasts to enjoy. The trail system is open...

Latest news

St. Louis holds onto Victory Bell

Trailing 30-15 in the third quarter, Ithaca’s girls basketball team cut St. Louis’ lead to three points with under...
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League bowling honors

Alma’s Koby Shunk made the first-team all-league boys bowling team for the Tri-Valley Conference, while Ithaca placed three bowlers...

Ithaca, Nouvel play for title

 While districts loom next week, Ithaca’s boys basketball team has some rgular season business to tend to tomorrow, Friday....

Must read

St. Louis holds onto Victory Bell

Trailing 30-15 in the third quarter, Ithaca’s girls basketball...

League bowling honors

Alma’s Koby Shunk made the first-team all-league boys bowling...
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Sanitary Sewer Contamination Triggers Probe at Ithaca Industrial Site

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