
Mature Citizen

 Snow Removal Service Winter has arrived and snow is falling. The Commission on Aging’s Home Chore department is ready to assist the seniors of Gratiot County with...

Letters to Santa

Dear Santa, I like accordian and a lego set for Christmas. I am six. I was a good boy. Gary Dear Santa, My sisters like to play kitchen...

St. Louis MI Gleaner Harmony Arbor # 273

St. Louis MI Gleaner Harmony Arbor # 273 member Anna Sobanski presents a check to Jeff Calhoun of Big Brothers Big Sisters at the...

In Memoriam

 In loving memory of our Mom & Grandma Allene Foland Your life was a blessing Your memory a treasure You are loved beyond words and missed beyond measure Tim &...

Card of Thanks

 I would like to thank my Family and Friends for the Birthday cards and gifts. It was a great Big 87! Phyllis Seaman

Coming Events

Alma VFW Alma VFW Post 1454 is having... Wednesday Night Dinners - Every Wed., Sept. through May. All are welcome! Comedy Night - February 17 @ 7pm Must...

In Memoriam

In Memory of Betty Hibner-Wesenberg December 5th, 2022 The world may change from year to year and friends from day to day, But never will the one...

Adults Ages 21 and Over Eligible for Tuition-Free Community College

Gov. Whitmer Launches Michigan Reconnect Expansion, Adults Ages 21 and Over Eligible for Tuition-Free Community College Tuition-free community college program expansion provides limited-time opportunity for...

Latest news

St. Louis holds onto Victory Bell

Trailing 30-15 in the third quarter, Ithaca’s girls basketball team cut St. Louis’ lead to three points with under...
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League bowling honors

Alma’s Koby Shunk made the first-team all-league boys bowling team for the Tri-Valley Conference, while Ithaca placed three bowlers...

Ithaca, Nouvel play for title

 While districts loom next week, Ithaca’s boys basketball team has some rgular season business to tend to tomorrow, Friday....

Must read

St. Louis holds onto Victory Bell

Trailing 30-15 in the third quarter, Ithaca’s girls basketball...

League bowling honors

Alma’s Koby Shunk made the first-team all-league boys bowling...
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