
97th Birthday – Verla

Verla will be 97 years old on February 2nd and her daughter would like to have a card shower for her. Cards can be...

Coming Events

 Alma VFW Alma VFW Post 1454 is having... Wednesday Night Dinners - Every Wed., Sept. through May. All are welcome! Comedy Night - February 17 @ 7pm Must...

Mature Citizen

Blood Drive Gratiot Commission on Aging, 515 S. Pine River Street, Ithaca. Mon., Feb. 12, 2024 from 11:00 am - 3:45 pm. Acrylic Painting Class Shirley Frederick, Instructor Join...

45th Anniversary – Hamilton

The family of Tom & Deb Hamilton would like help celebrating their 45th Wedding Anniversary with a card shower. Cards can be sent to 424...

Firefighters Rescue Dogs, Contain Garage Fire

On January 17 at 6:16 p.m. The Breckenridge/Wheeler Township Fire Department and St. Louis Area Fire Department received a dispatch to the 11000 block...

Ashley Sportsman’s Club Annual Squirrel Hunt

Ashley Sportsman’s club will hold the annual squirrel Hunt Sunday, January 28, 2024, 8554 S Mason Rd., Bannister. Registration will be held 6:30 am-9:00...

Country Line Dancing Event

Get ready to stomp your boots to the rhythm. The Alma Elks Lodge is hosting an exhilarating Country Line Dancing night that’s sure to...

St. Louis Businesses Honored

 St. Louis area businesses received recognition and awards last Thursday at the Gratiot Area Chamber’s “Good Morning Gratiot” event. The awards, crafted by the...

Latest news

St. Louis holds onto Victory Bell

Trailing 30-15 in the third quarter, Ithaca’s girls basketball team cut St. Louis’ lead to three points with under...
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League bowling honors

Alma’s Koby Shunk made the first-team all-league boys bowling team for the Tri-Valley Conference, while Ithaca placed three bowlers...

Ithaca, Nouvel play for title

 While districts loom next week, Ithaca’s boys basketball team has some rgular season business to tend to tomorrow, Friday....

Must read

St. Louis holds onto Victory Bell

Trailing 30-15 in the third quarter, Ithaca’s girls basketball...

League bowling honors

Alma’s Koby Shunk made the first-team all-league boys bowling...
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