By William Meiners
Herald Staff Writer
Gratiot County voters will be asked to weigh in on the millage renewal for the Technical Education Center (TEC) on...
By William Meiners
Herald Staff Writer
Pulling a page quite literally from their neighbors, township administrators in south Gratiot County are finalizing the Ashley Area Fire...
By Rosemary Horvath
Herald Correspondent
Gratiot County residents eyeing a run for political office have until 4 p.m. April 19 to file a nominating petition with...
3-2-22: Officers were dispatched reference a subject armed with a knife threatening their spouse. The investigation led to the arrest of a subject for...
In honor of 9-1-1 education month, National Telecommunicator Week (April 10- 16) and Smart911 Day (April 30), public safety officials in Gratiot County are...
Rosemary Horvath
Herald Correspondent
The City of Alma’s fiscal year 2024 audit highlights a positive financial outlook, with significant growth across...