By William Meiners
Herald Staff Writer
The second annual Rock the Block Party in downtown Ithaca went off without a hitch last Saturday. Though hot, the...
By William Meiners
Herald Staff Writer
The First Presbyterian Church of Alma distributes groceries to people in need on Tuesday afternoons. With rising inflation and less...
By William Meiners
Herald Staff Writer
There seems to be an old saying within the extension education business about the free courses being some of the...
By William Meiners
Herald Staff Writer
24 hours after the planning commission recommended against it, the Washington Township Board of Trustees last Thursday voted 3-2 to...
By Rosemary Horvath
Herald Correspondent
Alma’s new city manager won’t require a transition period to learn the territory. He knows Gratiot’s largest municipality and its environs...
Rosemary Horvath
Herald Correspondent
The City of Alma’s fiscal year 2024 audit highlights a positive financial outlook, with significant growth across...