Murdered in Alma:
Eliza Palmer Part II
By Elizabeth VanDyke
Missing for four months, Eliza Palmer was found buried in the family’s stable. A coroner’s jury was...
By Rosemary Horvath
Herald Correspondent
A unique gathering place where military veterans and their families can reconnect with their communities while ensuring their physical and mental...
By William Meiners
Herald Staff Writer
In a busy, well-attended meeting on Monday night, the Fulton Township Board of Trustees appointed a new supervisor and made...
Ithaca High School’s Class of 1952 recently held their 70th annual reunion at the Stockyards Cafe in St Louis. Dan Walcott, class representative, reported...
Rosemary Horvath
Herald Correspondent
The City of Alma’s fiscal year 2024 audit highlights a positive financial outlook, with significant growth across...