
New Principal Named at Carrie Knause Early Childhood Learning Center in St. Louis

By William Meiners Herald Staff Writer  For the second time in as many weeks, a Gratiot County school district made quick work of finding and hiring...

Alma Police Notable Cases: Aug. 1 – 13

8-2: Officers made contact with a subject that was known to have a warrant for their arrest. The officers arrested the subject. 8-4: A subject...

Panther Pride Project Making Strides

Submitted By The Panther Pride Project Committee  A committee of Alma High School alumni are taking on the challenge of raising funds to have a...

Heartfelt Donation Presented to St. Louis Police Chief

By William Meiners Herald Staff Writer  Richard Ramereiz Jr. appreciates random acts of kindness. Proof positive of that was the smile on his face last week...

School-Based Therapists Help Prioritize Mental Health in Gratiot County

By William Meiners Herald Staff Writer  Most any family with school-aged children who negotiated a pandemic over the last couple of years is familiar with rising...

City of St. Louis to Fund Police Academy Tuition for Lafayette Township Cadet

By Ralph Echtinaw Contributing Writer In an environment where hiring experienced officers is problematic at best, the St. Louis Police Department will grow their own. Following city...

Alma District Rescue Makes Use of Life-Saving CPR Device

By William Meiners Herald Staff Writer  Through innovations in technology, first responders from Alma District Rescue have a chance to do their jobs even better. And...

Out of the Herald Archives

 Ithaca High School’s Junior Varsity Cheer Squad earned several honors at a Saginaw Vallley State University cheeleading camp in August of 1981. Along with...

Latest news

Coin Fundraiser Unites Schools in Gratiot, Isabella

Michael MacDonald Herald Editor  What started as a small fundraiser three years ago has grown into a two-county effort raising tens...
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Alma Finance Receives Positive Audit Despite Housing Snag

Rosemary Horvath Herald Correspondent The City of Alma’s fiscal year 2024 audit highlights a positive financial outlook, with significant growth across...

Central Dispatch Promoting Free Service to Aid First Responders

Michael MacDonald Herald Editor  Gratiot County Central Dispatch is urging local businesses, municipalities, and organizations to sign up for a free...

Must read

Coin Fundraiser Unites Schools in Gratiot, Isabella

Michael MacDonald Herald Editor  What started as a small fundraiser three...

Alma Finance Receives Positive Audit Despite Housing Snag

Rosemary Horvath Herald Correspondent The City of Alma’s fiscal year 2024...
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Public Notices (Published November 9, 2023)

Notice of Drainage Board Meeting For Determination of Practicability  BIDDINGER...

Arlene Armstrong – Obituary

Arlene L. Armstrong passed away peacefully in her sleep...