Michael MacDonald
Herald Editor
Brent DeSaegher had one minute to make his case.
Standing before delegates at the Michigan Future Farmers of America Convention last week, the...
A church bulletin insert which related to a recent sermon at First Presbyterian (Ithaca) spoke well on the topic: “Happiness Is An Attitude.” Written...
Michael MacDonald
Herald Editor
Ashley High School students are working to enhance their community with a new public art project, and thanks to their victory in...
By Rosemary Horvath
Herald Correspondent
With assessment notices arriving in mailboxes, some property owners will be heading to their local Boards of Review in the coming...
Rosemary Horvath
Herald Correspondent
Alma Commissioners approved a $90,900 feasibility study for a sanitary sewer pump station that would support future development at the 163-acre Hoffman...
Tim Rath
Alma College Communications
Kaylee Vonderau and Frank Karl only began playing music together this past year, but according to the producers of “American Idol,”...
Casey Zangaro
Gratiot MSU Extension
The Gratiot County Youth Show Swine Workshop, an annual event aimed at enhancing the knowledge and skills of young participants in...