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Alma VFW Post 1454 Every Wednesday - Burger Night - 5 to 7 p.m. 4th Friday of the month - Fish Fry - 5 to 7...

Public Notices (Published December 19, 2024)

GRATIOT COUNTY TAX FORECLOSURE NOTICE CLOSURE HEARING NON-PAYMENT OF PROPERTY TAXES On March 1, 2024 real estate with unpaid 2022 and/or prior years property taxes was forfeited...

Public Notices (Published December 12, 2024)

NOTICE OF ADOPTION ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT North Shade Township Gratiot County, MI ORDINANCE NO. 2024-10 Please take notice that on November 18, 2024, the Township Board of North Shade...

Legal Notices (Published December 19, 2024)

Notice of Foreclosure by Advertisement FORECLOSURE NOTICE Attention homeowner: If you are a military service member on active duty, if your period of active duty...

Legal Notices (Published December 12, 2024)

Notice of Foreclosure by Advertisement Notice of foreclosure by advertisement. Notice is given under section 3212 of the revised judicature act of 1961, 1961 PA...

Letters to Santa

The Herald is excited to help Gratiot County children connect with Santa Claus this holiday season. Letters to Santa can be dropped off at...

Combined Effort Aims to Brighten Holiday Spirits

Chelsea Sherlock Herald Contributor Two local business owners are bringing a new holiday tradition to Alma this Saturday with Making Spirits Bright, a holiday giveaway featuring...

Gratiot County Christmas Events Bring Parades and Santa Visits

The holiday season is in full swing after Breckenridge kicked off the week with its annual Christmas in the Village celebration on Monday. Festivities...

Must read

Arts United Event Brings in Over $54,000

Chelsea Sherlock Herald Correspondent  The eighth annual Arts United brought a...

Ithaca Girl Tops in State at Michigan FFA Convention

Michael MacDonald Herald Editor  A seventh-grader from Ithaca made history last...
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