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90 Seconds, One Big Act of Christmas Kindness

Chelsea Sherlock Herald Contributor When Ithaca resident Donn Gates won the Promotional Committee’s Our Hometown Christmas raffle, he didn’t see the prize — a 90-second shopping...

Demolition Orders Move Forward for Alma Properties

Rosemary Horvath Herald Correspondent  The City of Alma is moving closer to demolishing four dilapidated residential properties after a Dec. 11 show-cause hearing found them in...

Gratiot County Community Foundation Awards $80,134 During Fall Grant Cycle

Michael MacDonald Herald Editor The Gratiot County Community Foundation awarded $80,134 to 12 projects during its Fall 2024 grant cycle, addressing critical needs across housing, education,...

Wreaths Across America Honors Veterans at Riverside Cemetery

By Chelsea Sherlock Herald Contributor A sizable crowd gathered at Riverside Cemetery last Saturday, braving the cold to honor veterans as part of Wreaths Across America....

Ithaca Students Lead Holiday Giving Efforts With Meal, Gifts

Michael MacDonald Herald Editor  In the spirit of the season, high school students in Ithaca’s FFA Chapter and Ag Leadership class renewed their annual efforts of...

City of St. Louis Seeking Candidates for Board of Review

cThe City of St. Louis is looking for candidates to serve on its Board of Review for a one-year term, with appointments set to...

Just My Thoughts Publisher Tom MacDonald

The holiday season is here again. A time to gather with loved ones and celebrate cherished traditions. A few years ago, Grandma Karla started...

Stuff the Ambulance Event Brings Donations for Gratiot Families

Chris White, EMT Instructor Coordinator (left) and Zoe Hendrick, EMT, volunteered their time last Saturday for the Stuff the Ambulance event at Alma Walmart,...

Must read

Arts United Event Brings in Over $54,000

Chelsea Sherlock Herald Correspondent  The eighth annual Arts United brought a...

Ithaca Girl Tops in State at Michigan FFA Convention

Michael MacDonald Herald Editor  A seventh-grader from Ithaca made history last...
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