Back row from the left: Lauren Gorsuch, Marrisa Bloomquist, Miranda Bloomquist, Cooper Litwiller and Emily Mills. Middle: Dalaney Clark, Abilene Gibson, Jason Schilling and...
Back row from the left: Marissa Bloomquist, Miranda Bloomquist, Joy Evans, Julie Becker and Claire Slavik. Middle: Ella Gardner, Addison Dilts, Lauren Gorsuch, Kora...
Back row from the left: Madison Brush, Anikn Smith, Tanner Lamey, Brinley Humm and Barrett Randsom. Third row: Shayla Jolliff, Adalee Gruden, Greyson Stoneman,...
Gratiot County is accepting bids for snow removal and salting
services at the locations listed below as outlined. Please bid plowing
and salt application separate per...
Notice of Foreclosure by Advertisement
Notice is given under section 3212 of the revised judicature act of 1961, 1961 PA 236, MCL 600.3212, that the...