Public Notices (Published April 18, 2024)



Emerson Township is looking for bids on mowing and maintenance at two cemeteries in the township. Please send your bids to Emerson Township Clerk, Jodie Reeves, 1103 N. Baldwin Rd., Ithaca, MI 48847. Deadline for bids is May 1, 2024.

Public Notice of Noxious Weed and Tall Grass Control
City of Ithaca Property Owners

Take notice that the City of Ithaca City Charter (Chapter II, Section A., 2.a.) and the International Property Maintenance Code (Section 302.4) provide that all noxious weeds and grasses be controlled to not exceed eight (8) inches of height on any property in the City of Ithaca. The codes require all property owners to keep their grasses and noxious weeds trimmed to be in compliance with these codes. Any grasses or weeds that are found to be in violation of the code(s) may be trimmed by the City if the owner has not cut the weeds and grasses after proper notification to the owner.
The City of Ithaca hereby notifies all property owners, tenants and the public that noxious weeds and grasses shall be eradicated by cutting them and keeping them to a height of less than eight (8) inches. Weeds and grasses not cut by May 1, 2024 will be cut by the City as many times as shall be necessary, and the owner of the property upon which such noxious weeds and grasses are found shall be charged with the cost thereof and the City shall have a lien against the land for the amount thereof. Refusal to destroy noxious weeds and cut grasses are a municipal infraction punishable by a civil fine pursuant to the provisions of Section 1-7 of the City of Ithaca Code of Ordinances.
Cathy Cameron
City Clerk

Bethany Township
Minutes for Regular Meeting on April 9, 2024

Present: Mikek, Fowler, Howd, Devine, Humm
Others: Teeter, DeBolt, Childers, Vozar
Meeting called to order by Mikek at 7:00 pm.
• Minutes for March 12th read and approved.
• Bills were reviewed and approved for payment.
• Mercantile Bank gave short presentation of municipal savings options.
• Joe Vozar introduced himself to the board as a candidate for Sheriff.
• Dust Control approved for the 2024 season.
• Gravel agreement approved for 2024 maintenance.
• Discussion and vote of approval for 2” overlay to Bagley Rd from River Rd to County Line.
• Teeter led discussion on cell tower special use permit process. He will follow up with applicant and work with Planning Commission.
• Planning Commission does not meet in May.
• Reminder by clerk of upcoming elections, August 6th & November 5th
• Fowler had an inquiry regarding township owned property. Mikek will contact attorney.
Meeting adjourned at 8:15 pm
Submitted by Tracy Howd, Clerk

Gratiot County Road Commission
Scraper Truck Driver Position

The Gratiot County Road Commission is accepting applications for a Scraper Truck Driver Position. This position requires a current valid State of Michigan Commercial Drivers License (CDL) with a Group A and N endorsement.
Visit our web site at for a job application and job description. An application can also be obtained at the Gratiot County Road Commission office, 200 Commerce Drive, Ithaca, MI, Monday through Thursday from 6:00am to 4:00pm.
Applications are due by Monday, May 6, 2024 at 3:00pm.
The Gratiot County Road Commission is an Equal Opportunity Employer.


Fulton Township will be holding their Annual Clean Up Day on Saturday, May 4th, 2024 from 10am-2pm at the Fulton Township Hall, located at 3425 W. Cleveland Rd., Perrinton, MI 48871. Fulton Township property owners or those that can prove residence in the township are able to participate. Please see our website ( or contact our office at 989-236-5102, for further details.
Denise Rossman
Fulton Township Clerk


Please be advised that all Fulton Township cemetery burial right’s owners should remove all grave decorations such as plant stakes, solar lights, flower containers, etc. that are desired to be kept, by April 28th, 2024. This includes the following cemeteries: Payne, Fulton Center, Old Fulton Center, Collister, and Hill/Phillips/Davis Cemeteries. Fulton Township’s October 2023 Cemetery Ordinance Rules are now in effect. A copy of this ordinance may be viewed on Fulton Township’s website at: or a copy may be requested from the township office.
Denise Rossman
Fulton Township Clerk


Please take notice that the Fulton Township Board will hold a special board meeting on Wednesday, May 8th, 2024 at 7:00 P.M. at 3425 W. Cleveland Rd. Perrinton, MI 48871.
At this meeting, the township board will present findings of their recent sewer system studies for the sewer systems located in Middleton and Rainbow Lake. Sewer rates will be discussed.
Fulton Township will provide auxiliary aids or services to individuals with disabilities. Persons needing such services should contact the township office not less than seven days before the public hearing, by writing or calling: 989-236-5102, ext. 1.
Denise Rossman
Fulton Township Clerk

Request for Public Bid
District Wide S2 Access Control Expansion

Alma Public Schools is accepting bids for the installation of door contacts and piezo buzzer stations placed on all exterior doors in the district. Bid specifications can be obtained by calling Tracie Hubble, Finance Director at (989) 466-7515.
All bids are due April 30, 2024 at 11:00 a.m. at the Superintendent’s Office located in Alma High School, 1500 Pine Avenue, Alma, MI 48801. The Board of Education will not consider or accept a bid after this date and time.
Alma Public Schools reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids, alternates, or proposals, and to accept those bids, alternates, or proposals that serve the best interests of the district.