Back Through The Years


[private]10 years ago: 2013
Two of the six high school seniors who have received appointments to U.S. Service academies from the Fourth Congressional District are from Gratiot County. Andrew Benn of Alma High School and Max Cullinan of Ithaca High School are the successful local applicants, U.S. Rep. Dave Camp announced.
Sunny skies and warm temperatures greeted visitors for the annual National Day of Prayer celebration last Thursday on the front lawn of the Gratiot County Courthouse in Ithaca. The event, coordinated for th 13th year by Carol Walker of Ithaca, a member of the East Washington United Brethren Church near Ashley, featured songs by Nancy Wood. Others led the group in prayers for the government, church, military, family, youth, education, business and the media.

20 years ago: 2003
Gratiot County motorists looking forward to the conversion of a 16-miles stretch of U.S. 127 between Ithaca and St. Johns into a limited access freeway will have to wait a little longer for construction to actually begin. The delay is the result of the state Department of Transportation officials to revise the agency’s five-year road and bridge program.
Ithaca Alternative Super Milage team members including advisor Mark Hull, Drew Aldrich, Mike Brown, Travis Currier, Matt Orlowski and Doug Huss competed last week at the Indiana Mathematics, Technology and Science Education Alliance competition. The had the distinct honor of being the only Michigan team to compete.

30 years ago: 1993
Construction for Gratiot County’s first Habitat for Humanity home will begin at the corner of Ely and Valley, in Alma, later this month according to Cindy Moerdyk, secretary of the organization.
When Scotland arrives in Alma during the 1993 Highland Festival on May 28, 29 and 30, Elizabeth Piorkowski, 22 of Alma, will being her year as the reigning Queen of Scots.
Alma Business and Professional Women’s Organization Young Careerist Award recipients are Anne Lambrecht, Jody Hassen, Vicie Dawe and Angie Ballard.

40 years ago: 1983
Jaime Lyn Morris, six, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Roger D. Moris of Ashley has been selected as a finalist in the 1983 Michigan National Little Miss Pageant to be held at the Amway Grand Plaza Hotel in Grand Rapids July 23.
Yvonne Raducha, daughter of John and Joyce Raducha of Ithaca and an Ithaca High School snior, outspelled sic other finalist to receive the 1983 championship title in the Ithaca High School all school spelling competition.
Ki Sproat was presented Town and Country Lanes, of Ithaca, 1983 Distinguished Bowler Award by Carla Smith, assistant manager. Sproat, who works at Wolverine World Wide in Ithaca has been bowlilng for more than 30 years. Last year’s winner was Wed Vernon.

50 years ago: 1973
Cheryl Snyder, junior at Fulton High School is the new state president of the Michigan Association , Future Homemakers of America. She was elected at the Michigan State FHA Convention at Wwestern Michigan University, Kalamazoo April 25-27. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.Carl F. Snyder of rural Perrinton.
Cheryl Schreiner and Kim Cordray have been named valedictorian and salutatorian respectively at Ashley Community Schools. Cheryl is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Steve Schreiner of rural Bannister and complied an over-all grade point of 3.85. Kim is the son of Mr and Mrs Milford Cordray of Ashley and has compiled an over-all grade point average of 3.79.
Miss Colleen Dancer, a senior at Ithaca High School was among the 27 girls to receive their FHA State Degree of Achievement at the 27th annual FHA State Convention held recently at Western Michigan University. She is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Duane Dancer and is presently the President of the Ithaca FHA chapter.[.private]