Public Notices (Published May 4, 2023)





June 6, 7, & 8, 2023

The City of Alma along with the City of St Louis will be sponsoring its Thirtieth Annual Household Hazardous Waste Collection Program on June 6, 7, & 8, 2023.  Solid waste customers desiring to use this service should call (989) 463-8339 to schedule an appointment to drop off their material at the Alma Public Works garage located at 800 Washington Street. Customers are encouraged to utilize this service to dispose of all unwanted waste typically considered hazardous and not permitted to be placed with the weekly trash collection services. Examples of these include:

Pesticides and Herbicides

Solvents, Strippers and Turpentine

Paints-Oil based and Latex

Rodent Baits

                                                            Chemical Household Cleaners and Acids

Auto Fluids-Antifreeze and Lubricants

Pool/Spa Chemicals

Household and Automotive Batteries

Pressurized tanks (i.e. fire extinguishers, LP tanks, etc.)

Fluorescent light bulbs (tubes only)




Passenger and Light Truck Tires*


*Will not accept OTRs which include loader tires, airplane tires, solid/gel filled tires, forestry tires, logging tires, mining tires, earth mover tires, golf tires with rim, rubber tracks of any kind, nor tires with excessive dirt and parts or shreds of tires.

All items to be disposed of must be in original containers. Unidentified substances cannot be accepted. Leaky items should be placed in a plastic or metal container with a secure top.  Containers are limited in size to 5-gal or 40lbs in weight. Substances should not be mixed together.

The following items CAN NOT be accepted:


Ammunition or Explosives

Radioactive Materials (i.e. smoke detectors)

No Dried Paint or Empty Paint Cans

Unidentifiable Materials

E-Waste (electronics, computers, cell phones)

Prescription Medication

Alma Police Department is a collection site

Outdated or Unused Medications in original containers (Pills only)

Sharps (Needles)

Gratiot Community Mental Health is a Sharps collection site

This program is only available to City of Alma/City of St Louis Solid Waste customers.  There is no direct charge for this service as costs incurred for the Household Hazardous Waste program are assessed in customer billing.  Identification will be required at the drop off site.  For additional information, please call the Alma Public Works Department at (989) 463-8339, or Alma City Hall at (989) 463-8336.

This program is available to City of Alma/City of St Louis Solid Waste customers only.

Call (989) 463-8339 to reserve a drop off appointment.


On April 20th, 2023, the Washington Township Board adopted the Washington Township Noise Ordinance, Ordinance No. 2023-001, which regulates and prohibits certain noise within the Township, exempts certain noise from the Ordinance prohibitions, designates civil infractions and civil penalties for violations of the Ordinance, and repeals and replaces inconsistent ordinances. The Ordinance has the following sections and catch lines: Section 1: Purpose; Section 2: Title; Section 3: General Prohibited Noise; Section 4: Exemptions; Section 5: Violations; Section 6: Severability; Section 7: Repeal; and Section 8: Effective Date, which is thirty (30) days after the publication of this Notice of Adoption. A true copy of the Ordinance is available for inspection and may be obtained at the offices of Washington Township, 8989 S Baldwin Rd, Ashley, MI 48806 upon reasonable request to the number below.


Barbara Hoffer

Washington Township Clerk

(989) 847-1000






To the residents and property owners of the Township of Fulton, Gratiot County, Michigan, and all other interested persons:

On April 24, 2023, the Township of Fulton (the “Township”) adopted a Wind Ordinance (“Ordinance”).  The following is a summary of the Ordinance.  A true copy of the Ordinance, including all exhibits, is available for inspection at the Township Hall, 3425 W. Cleveland Rd, Perrinton, MI 48871, and is posted on the website of the Township of Fulton,

Section 1. Amendment to Zoning Ordinance Article VII, Section 731

Section 1 of the Ordinance amends section Article VII, Section 731 of the Zoning Ordinance to comprehensively amend the regulations and permitting process for wind energy conversion systems/utility scale wind farms including noise, setbacks, decommissioning and other requirements.

Section 2. Amendment to Zoning Ordinance Article III, Section 306

Section 2 of the Ordinance amends section Article III, Section 306.D of the Zoning Ordinance to provide regulations for on-site consumer-based non-utility wind tower/generator/turbines.

Section 3.­ Validity and Severability.

This section provides that if any portion of the Ordinance is found invalid for any reason, such holding shall not be construed as affecting the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance.

Section 4. Effective Date.

This section provides that the Ordinance shall take effect seven days after publication.

Section 5. Repealer.

This section provides that any ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the Ordinance are hereby repealed only to the extent necessary to give the Ordinance full force and effect.


Fulton Township Hall

3425 W. Cleveland Rd.

Perrinton, MI 48871

(989) 236-5102



The City of St. Louis announces a Public Meeting regarding its Project Planning Document for proposed water main improvements in the City of St. Louis. The City will be seeking low interest Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) loan assistance for FY2024.

The purpose of this project is to address improvements to the water main and to improve the reliability of water service to residents and customers. This project will include the replacement of water main that is approaching the end of its useful life, replacement of nonfunctioning valves to improve the operation of the system, addition of new valves, and the removal of lead service lines to comply with the 2018 State of Michigan Lead and Copper Rule.

Project construction will involve replacing water main, valves, lead service lines, and adding new valves. The project also includes the purchase of a valve turning machine for the City to use when performing maintenance on valves. The Project Planning Document includes the proposed water main replacement locations.

Impacts of the proposed projects include short term roadway closures, construction-related temporary soil erosion impacts and dewatering of trenches, utility excavation noise, and dust generation. The water main and valve replacement will require work in the 100-year floodplain, in areas where wetlands exist, and near historic markers and contamination in St. Louis. Beneficial impacts include increasing the reliability of the water distribution system by replacing aging water mains and nonfunctioning valves and reducing the risk of water main breaks. In addition, public health will be protected through the replacement of lead service lines. There are no expected long-term negative impacts from the proposed projects.

The water main and valve replacement projects are broken down into two parts. Project 1 is scheduled for 2023 through 2026 and Project 2 is scheduled for 2027 through 2029. Project costs are as follows:

Category Capital Cost ($)
Project 1 (2023-2026) Cost $23,650,000
Project 2 (2027-2029) Cost $13,340,000
Lead Service Line Replacement Cost $120,000
Total $37,110,000

The estimated cost to users for the proposed projects will come in the form of sewer user rate and commodity charge increases, as follows:

Category Monthly User Cost Increase
Project 1 (2023-2026) Cost $45.60
Project 2 (2027-2029) Cost $25.72
Lead Service Line Replacement Cost $0.23
Total $71.55 or $72

The exact cost and scope of the projects may change depending on future funding arrangements that can be secured by the City.

The purpose of the hearing is not only to inform, but to seek and gather input from people that will be affected. Comments and viewpoints from the public are encouraged.


DATE: Tuesday, May 16, 2023

PLACE: City Hall Council Chambers

300 North Mill Street

St Louis, MI 48880

TIME: 6:00 p.m.

Copies of the Project Plan will be available for review beginning on May 5, 2023, at the following locations:

  1. City Website:
  2. By email request to
  3. In person at the Water Board Building

If you have questions or want to submit written statements for the Public Meeting, call or write:

Call: Keith Risdon at (989) 681-2613

Email: Keith Risdon at

Mail:  Keith Risdon

St. Louis Water and Sewerage Department 300 North Mill Street

St. Louis MI 48880

Written comments will be accepted at the above address if received prior to 5:00 p.m. EST, Tuesday, May 16, 2023. You may provide your public comment in-person.

City of St Louis, Public Services Department Keith Risdon, Public Services Director