Public Notices (Published July 7, 2022)


Notice of Registration 

For the August 2, 2022 Primary Election

Gratiot County, Michigan

To The Qualified Electors of Gratiot County:

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that any qualified elector of Gratiot County who are not already registered, may register to vote at the office of the Township or City Clerk, the Gratiot County Clerk’s office, or the Secretary of State driver’s license bureau during regular business hours.  Registration may also be made at the specified agency for clients receiving services through the Human Services Department, the Department of Community Health, Michigan Works and some offices of the Commission for the Blind and at the military recruitment offices for persons enlisting in the armed forces.  Registration by mail may be used by obtaining and completing a Mail Voter Registration Application at and forwarding to the election official as directed on the application by the close of registration deadline.  Lastly, those already registered may update their voter registration at

The last day to register in any manner other than in-person with the local clerk is Monday, July 18, 2022.   After this date, anyone who qualifies as an elector may register to vote in person with proof of residency (MCL 168.492 at the following:

Live election night results will be available at on election night.



Governor – 4 Year Term


2nd District Rep in Congress – 2 Year Term


34th District State Senator – 4 Year Term

92nd District State Rep – 2 Year Term

93rd District State Rep         – 2 Year Term


County Road Commissioner – 6 Year Term

County Commissioner – 2 Year Term


Partial Terms Expiring 11/20/2024

Hamilton Township Trustee

Lafayette Township Treasurer

New Haven Township Supervisor

New Haven Township Trustee

Seville Township Clerk

Washington Township Clerk


Delegates to County Convention – 2 Year Term


Gratiot County:

Senior Citizens Services Renewal Millage Proposal

Gratiot County Agricultural and Economic Development Millage Renewal Proposal

Library Millage Renewal Proposal

Fire Authority:

Ashley Area Fire Authority Fire Services Millage Increase

Gratiot Emergency Services Authority Fire Protection and EMS Millage Increase Proposal


North Star Township:

Road Improvements Millage Renewal

New Haven Township:

Renew Road, Bridge, Township Hall and Cemetery Maintenance, Repair and Construction Millage Ballot Proposal

Seville Township:

Fire and First Responder Millage Renewal Proposal


Breckenridge Community Schools Operating Millage Renewal Proposal Exempting Principal Residence and other property exempted by law 18 Mills for 10 Years.

Full text of the ballot proposition may be obtained at the administrative offices of Breckenridge Community Schools, 700 Wright Street, P.O. Box 217, Breckenridge, Michigan 488615-0217, telephone: (989) 842-3182.

Shepherd Public Schools Operating Millage Renewal Proposal Exempting Principal Residence and other Property exempted by Law 20.6913 Mills for 7 Years.

Full text of the ballot proposition my be obtained at the administrative offices of  Shepherd Public Schools, 258 West Wright Avenue, Shepherd, Michigan 48883-0219, telephone: (989) 828-5520.

Saginaw Intermediate School District Special Education Millage Proposal 1.5583 Mills for 10 Years.

Full text of the ballot proposition may be obtained at the administrative offices of Saginaw Intermediate School District, 3933 Barnard Road, Saginaw, Michigan 48603, telephone: (989) 399-7473.

Full Ballot Proposals can be found at

Clerk Information:

Municipality                       Address                                             Hours on                            Hours on                                                                                                                   Saturday,              Tuesday,

                                                                                                     July 30th                            August 2nd

City of Alma                        525 E. Superior St. Alma                    8am-4pm               7:00 am-8:00pm

Arcada Township                 3290 W Tyler Rd. Alma                      7am-3pm               7:00 am-8:00pm

Bethany Township               9958 Blair Rd., Breckenridge                             7am-3pm               7:00 am-8:00pm

Elba Township                     109 Oak St. Ashley                                           7am-3pm               7:00 am-8:00pm

Emerson Township                             2976 N. Baldwin Rd. Ithaca                8am-4pm               7:00 am-8:00pm

Fulton Township                 3425 W. Cleveland Rd, Perrinton        Sat. 9am-1pm,       7:00 am-8:00pm

Sunday 1pm-5pm

Hamilton Township                            2417 S. Barry Rd.,  Ithaca                   8am-4pm               7:00 am-8:00pm

City of Ithaca                       129 W. Emerson, Ithaca                     8am-4pm               7:00 am-8:00pm

Lafayette Township                            4426 N Ransom Rd, Breckenridge       8am-4pm               7:00 am-8:00pm

New Haven Twp                  3080 S. Ferris, Sumner                       8am-4pm               7:00 am-8:00pm

Newark Township                3239 S. Begole Rd, Ithaca                   8am-4pm               7:00 am-8:00pm

North Shade Twp                 11666 Cleveland Rd, Carson City        8am-4pm               7:00 am-8:00pm

North Star Twp                    3064 S. Crapo Rd, Ithaca                    8am-4pm               7:00 am-8:00pm

Pine River Township            1495 W. Monroe Rd, St. Louis            7am-3pm               7:00 am-8:00pm

City of St. Louis                  300 N. Mill St, St. Louis                     8am-4pm               7:00 am-8:00pm

Seville Township                 8143 W. Madison Rd., Elwell                            8am-4pm               7:00 am-8:00pm

Sumner Township                8644 W. Polk Rd, Sumner                  8am-4pm               7:00 am-8:00pm

Washington Twp                 3005 E. S. County Line Rd.,               7am-3pm               7:00 am-8:00pm

St. Johns

Wheeler Township               8510 E. Monroe Rd, Wheeler                            8am-4pm               7:00 am-8:00pm

Angie Thompson, Gratiot County Clerk 989-875-5215

Pursuant to MCL 168.498.


Board of Appeals

The Emerson Township Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a meeting on Thursday, July 7th, 2022 at 7:00 p.m., at the Township Hall located at 2976 N. Baldwin Rd., Ithaca, MI  48847 relative to a request by Fullerton Engineering Consultants LLC (Parallel) to approve a variance of the height of a communication tower, parcel #04-008-022-00, on the property at 4332 N. Royce Rd., St. Louis, MI  48880.

Written comments relative to the request may be forwarded to Emerson Township, 1103 N. Baldwin Rd., Ithaca, MI  48847 or so long as it is received by the Township by July 6, 2022 at 5: p.m.


The Gratiot County Treasurer will offer tax-reverted real estate at public auction on August  24th, 2022.

The auction will be held online at from 10:00am to 7:00pm EST. Bids can also be placed up to 30 days in advance on the website, and assistance is available for those without computer or internet access.

Incomplete or voided sales from the August 24th auction, if any, will be re-offered online on September 28th, 2022. Please visit for additional details.

For more information and a list of the properties being sold, visit or call 1-800-259-7470. Sale listings may also be available at the county treasurer’s office.

Washington Township

July Board of Review

Tuesday July 19th, 2022 at 10:00 am

Washington Township Hall

8989 S Baldwin rd.

Ashley, MI

Contact Washington Township Supervisor with any questions

