Coming Events


Trash to Treasure Sale set for
May 17 and 18.
The First Presbyterian Chruch in Alma will be hosting the local P.O.E. chapter’s Trash to Treasure Sale. The sale will be going on May 17 and 18 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The church is located at the corner of Superior Street and Charles Road in Alma.
Some of the items potential buyers can find at this event includes gently used books, purses, jewelry, scarves and home decor among other items. However, in order to provide an easier shopping experience and because the chapter ran out of room, no clothing will be on sale.
Prices are expected to be low, with some items costing around $1 or less.
Proceeds from the event will be applied to scholarships for young women continuing their education.

American Legion Meeting
The Alma/St. Louis American Legion Post #256 and Auxiliary will meet on May 17, 2022, at 6:30 p.m., at the American Legion Post, 1329 Michigan Ave, St. Louis, Michigan. Poppy Days will be May 13th and 14th in front of the Alma Walmart. Please consider donating and wearing a poppy. All proceeds are used to help meet the needs of veterans.

Ithaca Youth Football Sign Up
Where: Ithaca High School
When : May 18th and 25th
3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Who: Flag Football – 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Grade
Tackle Football – 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th grade
Homeschoolers Welcome

Concert at Lumberjack Park
Alma Arbor of Gleaner is hosting The Brenda Loomis Band, May 20th from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Lumberjack Park. Everyone is Welcome to Attend.

Sunday, May 22nd, 12 to 4, $5 entry, tire coucher, grand prizes, cash drawings, vetern drawings & more! Rain-Date June 5, Info 989-763-1063
*Please enter show on north Pine River*
36th annual MPA Foundation Annual Scholarship Golf Benefit
We hope you can join us for the 36th Annual Scholarship Golf Benefit at The Fields Golf Course in Ithaca, MI It promises to be a fun day with a chance to catch up with old friends and make some new while supporting the Foundation’s mission to promote quality local journalism. Lunch and dinner will be provided.
Early Birdie deadline: Wednesday, July 6th
Date: Thursday, August 11th, 2022
Schedule: Registration 9:30 a.m. Shotgun start at 11:00 a.m.
Location: The Fields Golf Course in Ithaca, MI
Disclaimer: If you haven’t felt well in the week prior to the event please don’t attend.

Relay For Life of Gratiot & Isabella
Date: August 13th, 2022
Location : Ithaca High School
Time: 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Everyone Welcome. There will be games, piggy painting, survivor dinner, live & silent auctions, luminaria ceremony, entertainment, Fear Factor, food, and much much more.
Help us Celebrate, Remember, Fight Back
For more information call: Jon 989-763-1013, Anna 989-533-8757 or Lorraine 989-400-1345.

Fulton Township’s Clean Up Day
Fulton Township’s Clean Up Day will be held Saturday, June 4th at the Fulton Township Hall, 3425 W. Cleveland Rd., Perrinton, MI from 10am – 2pm. All Fulton Township property owners or residents can participate. Items that will be received include: trash, tires, electronics, car batteries, scrap metal, etc. Some tires and electronics may require fees, please call the office or check our website to confirm. Consumers Energy electric customers will also have opportunity for receiving a rebate in exchange for recycling a working appliance. Please see our website for more details at: or call our office during regular business hours at: 989-236-5102. [/private]