Alma Extends Interim Status of City Manager


By Rosemary Horvath
Herald Correspondent
[private]The Alma City Commission has decided there is no rush in naming a city manager in the near future.
With the exception of commissioner Audra Stahl, who was absent, commissioners voted last week to extend Aeric Ripley’s interim status for up to another six months.
Ripley has filled in as interim city manager since Matt Schooley retired from the position in September. He also filled the post when former city manager Phil Moore left in 2017.
Ripley had been among several candidates vying for the post. Now, he is the last man standing as others have found jobs elsewhere, or just withdrew.
The city is expected to readvertise the opening with Michigan Municipal League, and other professional publications and organizations.
Ripley, who has been with the city for nearly 20 years as assistant city manager, also is zoning administrator and downtown development authority administrator.

A search committee consists of Mayor Greg Mapes, and commissioners Roxann Harrington and Nick Piccolo.
Commissioner Dan Wernick attempted to increase Ripley’s interim salary by 2 percent in recognition of the additional duties.
However, Ripley said he’d rather maintain his current salary which is that of city manager. He expressed appreciation for the gesture and support, and said he is in the process of personnel reviews.
Ripley’s earnings is mid-range for Grade 11 Step 5 which is $107,161.60.
In February, he led an annual planning discussion looking ahead to the 2023 budget year with department heads and staff.
Here are a few topics:
Updating the master plan with new zoning districts. This may address new purposes such as solar farming for the former Total Petroleum property on East Superior.
An ongoing topic has been what to do with the former sugar beet property located across from a housing development. Should this zoning be changed from industrial to neighborhood development?
Updating a master plan for city parks and city recreation is on the docket.
So is installing more security at the municipal building.
